Recensioni ed esperienze sui prodotti per
Lalaloopsy - Children Backpack Sew Magical 30 X 25 X 9 Cm

Molto bene
15 recensioni
4,27 / 5,00

Recensioni dei prodotti

2 valutazioni
2 recensioni
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Lalaloopsy - Children Backpack Sew Magical 30 X 25 X 9 Cm

Recensioni dei prodotti

5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stelle
Periodo da 08/04/2013 fino al 05/04/2017
| | 2.0 out of 5 stars fell apart withing a month. | 05/04/2017
fell apart withing a month.
| | 1.0 out of 5 stars I am NOT happy with this backpack because it is a very small ... | 23/01/2016
I am NOT happy with this backpack because it is a very small backpack and this information was not given when I selected it. My daughter can NOT use it for school so I wasted my money on it.
| | 09/10/2015
really good value for the money! Decent quality and size, my 4 year old daughter loves to take it to school every day!
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Very happy. | 19/11/2014
Lovely gift for my granddaughter. Very happy.
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Good price. My daughter loves it | 08/09/2014
Good price. My daughter loves it.
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Fab bag | 25/07/2014
Great bag didn't take long to get here. My daughter will be very excited to use this for school
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Much loved bag | 16/07/2014
I bought this bag for my Grandaughter to keep her lala loopsy dolls in so she can take them with her everywhere x
| | 30/06/2014
Bought for my daughters 5th birthday and starting school its an ideal size for her school work to be carried in (fits A4 paper size in a booklet style no problem)
| | 26/03/2014
My 4 year old daughter uses this for school everyday. Good size and sturdy and washable outer cover. excellent delivery
| | 21/03/2014
A great present well used a good size to put toys or books in, ideal as a sleepover bag speedy delivery. Love it !
| | 5,0 von 5 Sternen Geschmack getroffen | 19/12/2013
Sehr schöner Rucksack. Vorne wie eine art Folie, mit den Püppchen darauf, wasserabweisend. Super verarbeitet, schneller Versand, recht groß, passt alles für'n Kindi rein. Kann es wärmstens weiterempfehlen
| | 28/06/2013
Ce sac est très mignon, grand et on voit solide. Ma fille l’emmène partout et en plus pas il es pas cher
| | 09/06/2013
Ordered the backpack for my daughters 5th birthday as she is a big lalaloopsy fan. She loves it. It's a perfect size for her. Great price too!
| | 08/06/2013
Ordered the backpack for my daughters 5th birthday as she is a big lalaloopsy fan. She loves it. It's a perfect size for her. Great price too!
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Lalaloopys | 08/04/2013
I love it I take it every were I go and my friends love it to have told tham were to buy it this is her mum who has done this she just told me want to write
Periodo da 08/04/2013 fino al 09/10/2015
| | 09/10/2015
really good value for the money! Decent quality and size, my 4 year old daughter loves to take it to school every day!
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Very happy. | 19/11/2014
Lovely gift for my granddaughter. Very happy.
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Good price. My daughter loves it | 08/09/2014
Good price. My daughter loves it.
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Fab bag | 25/07/2014
Great bag didn't take long to get here. My daughter will be very excited to use this for school
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Much loved bag | 16/07/2014
I bought this bag for my Grandaughter to keep her lala loopsy dolls in so she can take them with her everywhere x
| | 30/06/2014
Bought for my daughters 5th birthday and starting school its an ideal size for her school work to be carried in (fits A4 paper size in a booklet style no problem)
| | 26/03/2014
My 4 year old daughter uses this for school everyday. Good size and sturdy and washable outer cover. excellent delivery
| | 21/03/2014
A great present well used a good size to put toys or books in, ideal as a sleepover bag speedy delivery. Love it !
| | 5,0 von 5 Sternen Geschmack getroffen | 19/12/2013
Sehr schöner Rucksack. Vorne wie eine art Folie, mit den Püppchen darauf, wasserabweisend. Super verarbeitet, schneller Versand, recht groß, passt alles für'n Kindi rein. Kann es wärmstens weiterempfehlen
| | 28/06/2013
Ce sac est très mignon, grand et on voit solide. Ma fille l’emmène partout et en plus pas il es pas cher
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Lalaloopys | 08/04/2013
I love it I take it every were I go and my friends love it to have told tham were to buy it this is her mum who has done this she just told me want to write
Periodo da 08/06/2013 fino al 09/06/2013
| | 09/06/2013
Ordered the backpack for my daughters 5th birthday as she is a big lalaloopsy fan. She loves it. It's a perfect size for her. Great price too!
| | 08/06/2013
Ordered the backpack for my daughters 5th birthday as she is a big lalaloopsy fan. She loves it. It's a perfect size for her. Great price too!
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo
Periodo da 05/04/2017 fino al 05/04/2017
| | 2.0 out of 5 stars fell apart withing a month. | 05/04/2017
fell apart withing a month.
Periodo da 23/01/2016 fino al 23/01/2016
| | 1.0 out of 5 stars I am NOT happy with this backpack because it is a very small ... | 23/01/2016
I am NOT happy with this backpack because it is a very small backpack and this information was not given when I selected it. My daughter can NOT use it for school so I wasted my money on it.

Autenticità delle recensioni

Trustami è un fornitore di servizi indipendente per la visualizzazione di recensioni esterne. Trustami importa le valutazioni dei clienti da piattaforme di terze parti. Purtroppo non possiamo verificare l'autenticità di tutte le numerose recensioni che raccogliamo automaticamente. Nel caso di rating importati, Trustami non può quindi garantire che tali rating provengano esclusivamente da consumatori che hanno effettivamente utilizzato o acquistato i beni o servizi.

Informazioni sul prodotto

Lalaloopsy - Children Backpack Sew Magical 30 X 25 X 9 Cm
Descrizione: Lalaloopsy - Kinder Rucksack Sew Magical 1 großes Hauptfach mit Reißverschluss gepolsterte und verstellbare Tragegurte Besonderheiten: doppelt gesteppte Trage-und Haltegurte  Vorderseite mit Lalaloopsy Motiv, abwaschbar Material: Polyester  Größe: 30 x 25 x 9 cm
Baby & Child | Fashion | Office and Business Supplies

Ultimo aggiornamento: 17/03/2024

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Trustami cerca regolarmente in Internet nuove recensioni per raggrupparle in un unico posto e renderle immediatamente disponibili agli interessati.

Vogliamo rendere il più semplice possibile per ogni utente di Internet scoprire i prodotti. Invece di fare affidamento su un'unica fonte, offriamo un unico punto di contatto per ottenere tutte le recensioni su un prodotto con poco sforzo.

Trustami non raccoglie di per sé alcuna recensione e, in qualità di autorità indipendente, si adopera per rendere Internet più trasparente. Le piattaforme Internet e i siti Web più diffusi vengono ricercati automaticamente per trovare recensioni e identificare i prodotti. Il nostro obiettivo è offrire una raccolta utile di informazioni sui prodotti su cui tutti possano fare affidamento. L'unione delle informazioni sul prodotto viene eseguita nel miglior modo possibile e può includere diverse varianti di prodotto.

Trustami è nato come progetto dell'Università tecnica di Berlino (TUB) con l'obiettivo di rendere Internet più affidabile. Il lavoro di ricerca nell'area "Social Media Analytics & Big Data" presso la Cattedra di Information and Communication Management (IKM) ha fornito un primo prototipo che ha consentito la raccolta e la raccolta di informazioni sulla reputazione. Questo è stato poi ulteriormente sviluppato come parte di una borsa di studio sponsorizzata ed è ora uno spin-off indipendente.

Scala di valutazione Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Eccellente
4,75 - 4,25 Molto bene
4,25 - 3,75 Bene
3,75 - 2,75 Soddisfacente
2,75 - 1,75 Sufficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadeguato

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