Avis sur les produits et expériences pour
White On Blonde von Texas (CD, 1997)

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White On Blonde von Texas (CD, 1997)

Avis sur les produits

5 étoiles
4 étoiles
3 étoiles
2 étoiles
1 étoiles
Période à partir du 02.02.1999 jusqu'au 03.10.2022
| | Ist schon seltsam … | 03.10.2022
… denn immer wen ich die Musik von Texas höre, ist die Welt plötzlich wieder in Ordnung. Egal in welchem Jahr, jedes Album ein Treffer seiner Zeit, ohne den Stil zu verraten oder zu verlassen. So auch dieses und das ist toll.
| | Best Texas album | 22.02.2022
This album is brilliant. I play it in my car all the time
| | Ok | 18.08.2021
Item was 8k
| | Good service | 18.10.2020
Just the job
| | Great voice | 12.08.2019
Great voice
| | Texas - White on blonde / nach wie vor hörenswert | 26.06.2019
Obwohl doch schon etwas älter - ich meine die Musik :-) - immer noch gut und keineswegs unzeitgemäß. Ich mag die Einfachheit der Musik, ohne viel Bass und Elektronik ... Rock-Pop und eine angenehme Stimme. Viele der Lieder kennt man ("say what you want", "black-eyed boy", "halo"); ich mag diese Gruppe!
| | Muy bueno | 28.02.2019
Mi primer disco me ha llegado a los 40 años. Es tal y como lo recordaba, el mejor disco de Texas.
| | nice | 13.01.2019
gran bel disco
| | Great! | 09.10.2018
What's not to like?
| | Mejor disco de Texas | 28.03.2018
Mejor disco de Texas hasta la fecha. Variedad en las composiciones, muchos hits y una cantante es estado de gracia.
| | Great | 02.09.2017
Enjoyed, this lady kicks ass
| | but I like the album | 13.08.2017
Solid songwriting. I hadn't heard most of these before, but I like the album, with some non-standard fare and decent lyrics on more than a few. Recommended.
| | Five Stars | 17.06.2017
| | Four Stars | 01.06.2017
| | Five Stars | 13.05.2017
Very good
| | texas | 08.03.2017
good music
| | Five Stars | 24.09.2016
wonderful album
| | Inferior | 05.08.2016
What happened to their music? Disappointed I all tracks.
| | You can' t listen 3 songs because of big marks on this CD | 25.04.2016
Unfortunatelly CD was not new and opened and There was remarkable mark at CD. And You can not listen 3 songs at this CD because of marks on CD:
| | alf | 09.03.2016
Compre este disco porque es uno de mis favoritos del grupo. Lo tuvo mi hermano y lo quería yo. Error fue comprarlo de segunda mano, no hay ni una sola canción en el cd que no este rayada. Que decepción por comprar barato.
| | Excellent | 13.01.2014
Ce produit correspond à mes attentes, le CD et boitier sont arrivés en bon état. L'écoute ne présente aucun défaut.
| | Eine Band in ihrer starken Phase | 04.09.2012
Texas sind eine sehr angenehme britische Popband, die zwar 1986 gegründet worden, dennoch erst mit "Southside" 1989 so richtig das Licht der Musikwelt erblickten. Der Stil der Band verbindet über die Jahre gesehen Blues, Rock, Pop und Soul. Auf "White On Blonde" befindet sich der kleine Welthit "Say What You Want". Ein Liebeslied, welches deutlich dem Gitarrenpop zuzuordnen ist. Der Übergang von Strophe zu Bridge zu Chorus ist hier sehr stark gelungen. Auch sehr
| | The transition has started | 27.08.2009
As owner of the first 5 Texas CD's, this album marked the obvious transition of sound, song writing and direction that foretold Texas artistic dive yet assisted their commercial success overseas. After developing a listening relationship with their first 3 CD's, they changed gears and even after repeated listening I could never enjoy the ride. That said, this is by far better than "The Hush" and is quite tolerable. They are in their most experimentive mood to date and if you
| | White On Blonde - Texas | 14.12.2007
Diese 1997 erschienene CD von Texas bringt leichte, gefällige und unaufdringliche Popmusik - man kann sie gut anhören. Heraussticht "Say what you want" und "White on blonde". Wohl sind die Texte der einzelnen anspruchsvoller, aber dies findet man erst bei mehrmaligem Anhören heraus. Diese CD erreicht wohl nicht ganz die Klasse der 1999 erschienenen "The Hush" ist aber insgesamt eine gelungene Zusammenstellung. Man kann sie, ohne schlechtes Gewissen zu haben,
| | 2,0 sur 5 étoiles Le début de la fin | 12.11.2007
"Southside", leur premier disque en 1989 prometteur pour la suite, puis "mother's heaven" (1991) avec de très bons morceaux comme son titre eponyme, why believe in you, Alone with you... Leur meilleur disque, "Ricks road" (1993) avec Fade away, I want to go to heaven, Listen to me...une excellente guitare solo, une vraie basse, une batterie avec un type qui a des baguettes dans les mains!!, de belles intros et la superbe voix de Sharleen Spiteri, du rock quoi!
| | Pure pop heaven. | 15.04.2007
My favorite songs: Say What You Want Halo Put Your Arms Around Me Insane White on Blonde Ticket To Lie Breathless In particular I want to nominate "Put Your Arms Around Me" for one of the best pop songs ever, for the way it build up to the 3:00 minute mark and then just goes to another level. That's what differentiates the good from the great.
| | seems to lack something | 01.12.2005
There's some really nice songs on this album, Black-Eyed Boy, Halo, Say What You Want. Those three were released as singles in the UK and got loads of airplay. The rest of the album is equaly well produced, there's no bad songs, but I just find I get bored of this album too easily, it seems to lack something, and I dont listen to it often. When I do, the feeling always surfaces that the music isnt pulling all the right strings. If you see it in the bargain bin it's worth a shot, but
| | Simple, great music ! | 11.09.2005
True beauty of Texas' music is its simplicity. They really can write amazingly simple, yet catchy songs which just grow on you with every time you listen. "White on Blonde" is the culmination of their work through the years which I believe paid off very well for them. Buy this album, enjoy good soft rock music, save live music, love Texas !
| | Die Leichtigkeit des Tiefgangs | 23.04.2005
Chapeau Texas! Mich überrascht diese Band bis heute - von vor allem positiv bis bisweilen negativ. Diese Platte allerdings ist grandios. Sharleen Spiteri hat eine Leichtigkeit von Dingen zu singen, die mich schier umhaut. Man ist sich manchmal nicht sicher: Ist das jetzt tiefgründig und hochemotional intelligent was sie darbietet oder...seicht? Es ist beides; genau das, was ich von Popmusik erwarte: Intelligente, treffende Texte vereint mit eingängiger Melodie, gut arrangierten Instrumenten
| | erinnerungen. | 07.09.2004
als "white on blonde" damals rauskam, war ich am höhepunkt meiner jugend. und das album war auch der soundtrack all der dinge, die damals passierten. ich schreibe das, weil man dadurch natürlich in seiner rezension vorbelastet ist - immerhin endete meine bis dato ernsthafteste beziehung zu "put your arms around me", nachdem sie mit "halo" begonnen hat. aber ganz abgesehen davon ist "white on blonde" eine großartige scheibe, die man genußvoll zu hause oder
| | Simply wonderful | 26.07.2004
The very first time I ever listen to this band (Texas) was during the spring of 1997...I was in Amsterdam and I immediately fell in love with this group....Well its 7 years later and I still love them...it bring back good and wonderful memories...God bless them :)
| | this album had to grow on me. | 11.07.2004
texas is one of my favorite bands but this album had to grow on me as i prefer the earlier work-southside, ricks road and mothers heaven. if you dont own these albums and love texas as i do then BUY them! i saw them at the roxy in los angeles in the early 90s-incredible concert, sharleen has such a powerful presence and voice. a beautiful album and still one that i could listen to everyday and not tire of.
| | This Album Sparkles | 29.04.2003
Upon listening to this, it's like being hit with rays of sun. Although unrecognized in North America, this album is constantly ranked high on 'Best Of' polls in The UK, and deservedly so. 'White On Blonde' is sparkling feel-good pop for those who have lived life...an ode to the human experience with an undercurrent of maturity. Front and center is the wonderful range of Sharleen Spiteri's voice, who straddles between Deborah Harry, Diana Ross and Black Box Recorder's
| | Unterschätzt ! | 10.04.2003
Für mich, die beste Texas Platte: Say what you want war verdientermaßen ein Hit und nach dreimaligem Hören, kristallisiert sich Put your arms around me als Toptrack heraus. Irgendwie scheint es, als würden auf dieser Scheibe nicht nur die ewiggleichen Themen des Pop verhandelt, sondern mehr ... ja, was eigentlich? Wohl nur ein frommer Wunsch. Oder doch, wenn man genau hinhört ...!
| | A more than noteworthy release | 22.08.2001
Taking all aspects into account this album is more style than substance, but not by too much. It has mainstream appeal but now and then borders on alterna territory (maybe 'middle of the road' but I don't think it quite deserves to be dismissed so readily). Despite good production and musical ability, arguably the one thing that holds White on Blonde together is Spiteri's arresting vocals. On a more biased note I'm glad I discovered Texas through this album instead of their
| | Breathless, simply | 16.03.2001
I own all 5 Texas CDs, and this is the most unique. The last track, "Breathless," is amazing. For those of you who own this, please take the time to listen to "Breathless" for its yearning sexiness and infectious energy. All though I have listened to every song several times, this is not an album I can play in its entirety. If you are a non-Texas fan, I would recommend either Southside or Mothers Heaven for your first album as those are more raw and passionate (and
| | 'Blonde' Ambition | 09.02.2001
Though they had been around for nearly a decade, Texas didn't get any real notice here in the states until this album, albeit limited exposure through soundtracks and movies. This album should have had a more dramatic impression on the U.S., but unfortunately didn't. Vocalist Sharleen Spiteri and company traffic in various avenues of music, including Motown sounds on the title track and rock on the track 'Postcard'. And no one can hear'Put Your Arms Around Me' and not
| | THIS WILL NOT DISAPPOINT!! | 20.01.2001
I first heard this group on a movie soundtrack and couldn't get the song "Say What You Want" out of my head. I had to buy the CD if only for this song, but I was so amazed by the entire CD. I can't believe this group hasn't exploded onto the American scene with their sexy, soulful,unique sound! "Say What You Want" is still my favorite, but listen for yourself!
| | Pop Class | 24.10.2000
Texas are somewhat of a phenomenon in the UK & Europe, with over 8 million sales of their last 2 albums alone, and a 12 year run in the music iindustry. Best known for singing the theme tune of Ellen in America (based on their song So Called Friend) Sharleen Spiteri & band let rip on this classic album containing the achingly gorgeous Put Your Arms Around Me, the infectiously catchy Balck-Eyed Boy & Halo as well as the cool & mesemrising hits INsane & Say What You Want.
| | A pleasant surprise. | 10.10.2000
A pleasant mix of pop sounds ranging from soft easy listening to Motown-like songs sung by a very pleasant sounding lead singer.
| | No depth | 06.08.2000
I bought this album after the large amount of radio airplay the singles recieved. I wasn't disappointed, the songs are great. However I soon got tired of listening to it. I dn't know how to explain it, the music is impeccable, but it somehow seems to lack any soul. Still, I enjoyed it while it lasted.
| | Heal yourself with the help of this CD ! | 07.06.2000
It's a marvellous album ! I've loved TEXAS since 1994, "Ricks Road". "The Hush" is completely different from "White on blonde" but I'd also give it 5 stars. This band is perfect in expressing their feelings in music and Sharleen has a voice to die for ! So, if you get the chance to see and hear Shar, Ally, Johnny and the others live - you should take it ! Love, Jessica ; ) P.S.:send me an e-mail if you want to! to!
| | absolutely necesarry | 06.04.2000
this is what i call karma repair. this CD makes me all warm and fuzzy inside -- it reminds me of the wonderful feeling of first falling in love.. and staying that way. please own it, for your own karma's sake.
| | Great pop album. | 03.04.2000
This album sounds so complete. Great vocals from Sharleen, and moody music. One of the better albums of the 90's.
| | If you're gonna buy Texas, buy this. | 21.03.2000
Where to start? If you've heard and loved the singles from White On Blonde, you won't be disappointed with the content of the rest of the album which maintains a high standard throughout. Spiteri's singing is near-faultless and the band seems to have an instinctive feel for their music - from the lethargic 'Put Your Arms Around Me' to the pacier 'Black-Eyed Boy' instrumentation and vocals help to give the album a distinctive sound. Yes, it is dangerously middle
| | An almost flawless collection of great pop songs | 06.01.2000
If you've heard the singles and liked them, then don't hesitate to buy this album. The other tracks are every bit as strong as the singles. Every one is a gem in it's own right. Strong melodies and Sharleen's beautiful voice make for an incredible album that I never tire of. Any fan of good music, could not fail to enjoy this album. Make sure you also check out their latest album, "The Hush". It's almost as good as this one!
| | Fell in love with the CD on first listen! | 17.05.1999
Great CD. Reminds me a bit of Saint Ettiene and a softer Garbage. Just love the whole thing!
| | Prior work was better | 02.02.1999
White On Blonde is well produced, and Sharleen's voice is wonderful as always. The band performs splendidly, and the songs are well crafted. Unfortunately, the lyrics are a little weak, and they get a little repetitive.I personally prefer earlier work, particularly Ricks Road. On those, Sharleen sings in a lower register and sounds wonderful. The higher pitch of her singing on White On Blonde can wear after a while.
Période à partir du 03.04.2000 jusqu'au 03.10.2022
| | Ist schon seltsam … | 03.10.2022
… denn immer wen ich die Musik von Texas höre, ist die Welt plötzlich wieder in Ordnung. Egal in welchem Jahr, jedes Album ein Treffer seiner Zeit, ohne den Stil zu verraten oder zu verlassen. So auch dieses und das ist toll.
| | Best Texas album | 22.02.2022
This album is brilliant. I play it in my car all the time
| | Good service | 18.10.2020
Just the job
| | Muy bueno | 28.02.2019
Mi primer disco me ha llegado a los 40 años. Es tal y como lo recordaba, el mejor disco de Texas.
| | nice | 13.01.2019
gran bel disco
| | Great! | 09.10.2018
What's not to like?
| | Mejor disco de Texas | 28.03.2018
Mejor disco de Texas hasta la fecha. Variedad en las composiciones, muchos hits y una cantante es estado de gracia.
| | Great | 02.09.2017
Enjoyed, this lady kicks ass
| | but I like the album | 13.08.2017
Solid songwriting. I hadn't heard most of these before, but I like the album, with some non-standard fare and decent lyrics on more than a few. Recommended.
| | Five Stars | 17.06.2017
| | Five Stars | 13.05.2017
Very good
| | texas | 08.03.2017
good music
| | Five Stars | 24.09.2016
wonderful album
| | Excellent | 13.01.2014
Ce produit correspond à mes attentes, le CD et boitier sont arrivés en bon état. L'écoute ne présente aucun défaut.
| | Pure pop heaven. | 15.04.2007
My favorite songs: Say What You Want Halo Put Your Arms Around Me Insane White on Blonde Ticket To Lie Breathless In particular I want to nominate "Put Your Arms Around Me" for one of the best pop songs ever, for the way it build up to the 3:00 minute mark and then just goes to another level. That's what differentiates the good from the great.
| | Simple, great music ! | 11.09.2005
True beauty of Texas' music is its simplicity. They really can write amazingly simple, yet catchy songs which just grow on you with every time you listen. "White on Blonde" is the culmination of their work through the years which I believe paid off very well for them. Buy this album, enjoy good soft rock music, save live music, love Texas !
| | Die Leichtigkeit des Tiefgangs | 23.04.2005
Chapeau Texas! Mich überrascht diese Band bis heute - von vor allem positiv bis bisweilen negativ. Diese Platte allerdings ist grandios. Sharleen Spiteri hat eine Leichtigkeit von Dingen zu singen, die mich schier umhaut. Man ist sich manchmal nicht sicher: Ist das jetzt tiefgründig und hochemotional intelligent was sie darbietet oder...seicht? Es ist beides; genau das, was ich von Popmusik erwarte: Intelligente, treffende Texte vereint mit eingängiger Melodie, gut arrangierten Instrumenten
| | erinnerungen. | 07.09.2004
als "white on blonde" damals rauskam, war ich am höhepunkt meiner jugend. und das album war auch der soundtrack all der dinge, die damals passierten. ich schreibe das, weil man dadurch natürlich in seiner rezension vorbelastet ist - immerhin endete meine bis dato ernsthafteste beziehung zu "put your arms around me", nachdem sie mit "halo" begonnen hat. aber ganz abgesehen davon ist "white on blonde" eine großartige scheibe, die man genußvoll zu hause oder
| | Simply wonderful | 26.07.2004
The very first time I ever listen to this band (Texas) was during the spring of 1997...I was in Amsterdam and I immediately fell in love with this group....Well its 7 years later and I still love them...it bring back good and wonderful memories...God bless them :)
| | this album had to grow on me. | 11.07.2004
texas is one of my favorite bands but this album had to grow on me as i prefer the earlier work-southside, ricks road and mothers heaven. if you dont own these albums and love texas as i do then BUY them! i saw them at the roxy in los angeles in the early 90s-incredible concert, sharleen has such a powerful presence and voice. a beautiful album and still one that i could listen to everyday and not tire of.
| | 'Blonde' Ambition | 09.02.2001
Though they had been around for nearly a decade, Texas didn't get any real notice here in the states until this album, albeit limited exposure through soundtracks and movies. This album should have had a more dramatic impression on the U.S., but unfortunately didn't. Vocalist Sharleen Spiteri and company traffic in various avenues of music, including Motown sounds on the title track and rock on the track 'Postcard'. And no one can hear'Put Your Arms Around Me' and not
| | THIS WILL NOT DISAPPOINT!! | 20.01.2001
I first heard this group on a movie soundtrack and couldn't get the song "Say What You Want" out of my head. I had to buy the CD if only for this song, but I was so amazed by the entire CD. I can't believe this group hasn't exploded onto the American scene with their sexy, soulful,unique sound! "Say What You Want" is still my favorite, but listen for yourself!
| | Heal yourself with the help of this CD ! | 07.06.2000
It's a marvellous album ! I've loved TEXAS since 1994, "Ricks Road". "The Hush" is completely different from "White on blonde" but I'd also give it 5 stars. This band is perfect in expressing their feelings in music and Sharleen has a voice to die for ! So, if you get the chance to see and hear Shar, Ally, Johnny and the others live - you should take it ! Love, Jessica ; ) P.S.:send me an e-mail if you want to! to!
| | absolutely necesarry | 06.04.2000
this is what i call karma repair. this CD makes me all warm and fuzzy inside -- it reminds me of the wonderful feeling of first falling in love.. and staying that way. please own it, for your own karma's sake.
| | Great pop album. | 03.04.2000
This album sounds so complete. Great vocals from Sharleen, and moody music. One of the better albums of the 90's.
Période à partir du 10.04.2003 jusqu'au 12.08.2019
| | Great voice | 12.08.2019
Great voice
| | Texas - White on blonde / nach wie vor hörenswert | 26.06.2019
Obwohl doch schon etwas älter - ich meine die Musik :-) - immer noch gut und keineswegs unzeitgemäß. Ich mag die Einfachheit der Musik, ohne viel Bass und Elektronik ... Rock-Pop und eine angenehme Stimme. Viele der Lieder kennt man ("say what you want", "black-eyed boy", "halo"); ich mag diese Gruppe!
| | Four Stars | 01.06.2017
| | Eine Band in ihrer starken Phase | 04.09.2012
Texas sind eine sehr angenehme britische Popband, die zwar 1986 gegründet worden, dennoch erst mit "Southside" 1989 so richtig das Licht der Musikwelt erblickten. Der Stil der Band verbindet über die Jahre gesehen Blues, Rock, Pop und Soul. Auf "White On Blonde" befindet sich der kleine Welthit "Say What You Want". Ein Liebeslied, welches deutlich dem Gitarrenpop zuzuordnen ist. Der Übergang von Strophe zu Bridge zu Chorus ist hier sehr stark gelungen. Auch sehr
| | White On Blonde - Texas | 14.12.2007
Diese 1997 erschienene CD von Texas bringt leichte, gefällige und unaufdringliche Popmusik - man kann sie gut anhören. Heraussticht "Say what you want" und "White on blonde". Wohl sind die Texte der einzelnen anspruchsvoller, aber dies findet man erst bei mehrmaligem Anhören heraus. Diese CD erreicht wohl nicht ganz die Klasse der 1999 erschienenen "The Hush" ist aber insgesamt eine gelungene Zusammenstellung. Man kann sie, ohne schlechtes Gewissen zu haben,
| | This Album Sparkles | 29.04.2003
Upon listening to this, it's like being hit with rays of sun. Although unrecognized in North America, this album is constantly ranked high on 'Best Of' polls in The UK, and deservedly so. 'White On Blonde' is sparkling feel-good pop for those who have lived life...an ode to the human experience with an undercurrent of maturity. Front and center is the wonderful range of Sharleen Spiteri's voice, who straddles between Deborah Harry, Diana Ross and Black Box Recorder's
| | Unterschätzt ! | 10.04.2003
Für mich, die beste Texas Platte: Say what you want war verdientermaßen ein Hit und nach dreimaligem Hören, kristallisiert sich Put your arms around me als Toptrack heraus. Irgendwie scheint es, als würden auf dieser Scheibe nicht nur die ewiggleichen Themen des Pop verhandelt, sondern mehr ... ja, was eigentlich? Wohl nur ein frommer Wunsch. Oder doch, wenn man genau hinhört ...!
Période à partir du 27.08.2009 jusqu'au 18.08.2021
| | Ok | 18.08.2021
Item was 8k
| | The transition has started | 27.08.2009
As owner of the first 5 Texas CD's, this album marked the obvious transition of sound, song writing and direction that foretold Texas artistic dive yet assisted their commercial success overseas. After developing a listening relationship with their first 3 CD's, they changed gears and even after repeated listening I could never enjoy the ride. That said, this is by far better than "The Hush" and is quite tolerable. They are in their most experimentive mood to date and if you
Période à partir du 09.03.2016 jusqu'au 09.03.2016
| | alf | 09.03.2016
Compre este disco porque es uno de mis favoritos del grupo. Lo tuvo mi hermano y lo quería yo. Error fue comprarlo de segunda mano, no hay ni una sola canción en el cd que no este rayada. Que decepción por comprar barato.
Période à partir du 05.08.2016 jusqu'au 05.08.2016
| | Inferior | 05.08.2016
What happened to their music? Disappointed I all tracks.

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Information produit

White On Blonde von Texas (CD, 1997)
La description: Kurzbeschreibung Their 4th album for Mercury Records, White on Blonde, features Texas collaborating with Dave Stewart (Eurythmics) and producer Mike Hedges (Manic Street Preachers) for a sound that is distinctly Texas and startingly commercial. This album debuted at #1 in the U.K. - the 1st two singles, "Say What You Want" and "Halo" have both been Top 10 commercial hits there. Servicing to modern rock radio. Rezension Das freche Bekenntnis "I Don't Need A Lover" brachte der Texas-Sängerin ...
Books, Movies & Music

Dernière mise à jour: 12.02.2025

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