Product Reviews and Experiences for
ZML Feeder Banquet Schildkröte (1 Stück)

456 Ratings
3.98 / 5.00

Product Reviews

409 Reviews
223 Reviews
52 Reviews
56 Reviews
33 Reviews
45 Reviews

ZML Feeder Banquet Schildkröte (1 Stück)
47 Reviews
35 Reviews
6 Reviews
3 Reviews
2 Reviews
1 Reviews

Zoo Med Laboratories SZMBB55 Tortoise Banquet Block
Zoo Med BB 55e Tortoise Block
New reviews during period from 01.06.2023 to 15.05.2024

Product Reviews

5 Stars
4 Stars
3 Stars
2 Stars
1 Stars
Period from 2015-10-16 to 2024-04-22
| | Brilliant for hot sunny days 😎 | 2024-04-22
Brilliant for hot sunny days 😎
| | very happy thankyou | 2024-04-15
very happy thankyou
| | Nice | 2023-12-12
Great in theory but our torts wouldn’t touch it as it is so just cutting smaller sections
| | Calcium block | 2022-08-11
9/10 tortoise seem to like it
| | Tortoise likes it | 2021-12-22
The tortoise seams to like it so it must b good.
| | Calcium veg block for turtles | 2021-04-07
Happy with purchased and the block last which Is brilliant
| | Tortoise | 2021-02-03
Excellent product for keeping my tortoises beak sharp and trimmed.
| | Bueno | 2020-08-23
| | Tortoise loved it.. | 2020-06-23
Tortoise loved it!!!!
| | Tortoise Block | 2020-05-28
Something for your tortoise to gnaw on
| | Tortoise approved | 2020-02-19
Exactly as described. Our tortoise loves it. He chews on it daily. I would definitely recommend this product.
| | Very good and not expensive at all | 2019-07-15
Will definitely be recommending you.
| | Great product | 2019-05-31
Great product
| | excellent | 2018-10-10
| | Stinks and tortoise won’t go near it | 2018-09-27
Horrible smell comes off this and I’ve tried to waiting it out a week to see if it goes away but still a strong smell coming off it and my tortoise hasn’t gone near it once.
| | Great for tortoises | 2018-09-19
Great product my torts love the stuff, may be a bit more tort user friendly if the block was an odd shape as smaller torts find it difficult to use, so have to cut off chunks for them.
| | Clueless tortoise | 2018-07-31
My tortoise is clueless, but came quickly and the ideas great, if only he knew, aye!
| | Just as many reviews indicate, my tortoise didn't like it either. | 2018-07-26
My tortoise seem interested in it when I first placed it in her habitat but when she tried nibbling on it I guess it was too hard for her and now she hasn't paid attention to it. I hope she tries again.
| | Calcium block | 2018-05-23
My tort hasn’t tried it yet. It’s good, but it looked a little dirty. So not sure what happened to it prior to packing. However, I don’t think Henry (my tort) will mind.
| | My tortoise | 2018-01-26
Loves nibbling on this, thank you
| | Maybe your tortoise will like it? | 2017-10-20
It smelled veggitably, and looked promising. However, my 7 year old tortoise would not touch it. If he was started out on it as a baby, maybe he would know all about it? If your tortoise likes cuddlebone type blocks, then this one is a good buy. I left it in his cage, maybe one day he will try it.
| | Tortoise block | 2017-07-27
My tortoise lives this also gives her something to work on which keeps her beak down
| | Too big | 2017-05-11
Good product but far to big for my horsefiekd tortoise I took it out as he never uses it , waste of money for me.
| | My Tort loves it! | 2016-12-01
My baby sulcata enjoys nibbling on the block. I do recommend!!
| | picky tortoise's? | 2016-09-09
I have a Greek and a Russian tortoise and the block has been in the habitat in several different places in eating areas for about 3 weeks and they haven't nibbled on it or done anything but crawl over it. I even took the cuddle bone out but they show no interest in it. Are they just picky or am I doing something wrong?
| | Great value | 2016-08-24
Quick ship, too.
| | Was it necessary? | 2016-06-22
I received my item as requested and put it in my tortoise pen. He hasn't touched it to date.
| | shipping | 2016-02-15
Shipping was on time.
| | she does not like her block! | 2015-12-31
Our russisan tortoise does !it seem to like this.
| | Turtle never touches it | 2015-10-16
My Desert Box Turtle never touches it. I don't understand. Isn't he suppose to ?
Period from 2016-02-15 to 2024-04-22
| | Brilliant for hot sunny days 😎 | 2024-04-22
Brilliant for hot sunny days 😎
| | very happy thankyou | 2024-04-15
very happy thankyou
| | Tortoise likes it | 2021-12-22
The tortoise seams to like it so it must b good.
| | Calcium veg block for turtles | 2021-04-07
Happy with purchased and the block last which Is brilliant
| | Tortoise | 2021-02-03
Excellent product for keeping my tortoises beak sharp and trimmed.
| | Bueno | 2020-08-23
| | Tortoise loved it.. | 2020-06-23
Tortoise loved it!!!!
| | Tortoise Block | 2020-05-28
Something for your tortoise to gnaw on
| | Tortoise approved | 2020-02-19
Exactly as described. Our tortoise loves it. He chews on it daily. I would definitely recommend this product.
| | Very good and not expensive at all | 2019-07-15
Will definitely be recommending you.
| | Great product | 2019-05-31
Great product
| | excellent | 2018-10-10
| | Great for tortoises | 2018-09-19
Great product my torts love the stuff, may be a bit more tort user friendly if the block was an odd shape as smaller torts find it difficult to use, so have to cut off chunks for them.
| | My tortoise | 2018-01-26
Loves nibbling on this, thank you
| | Tortoise block | 2017-07-27
My tortoise lives this also gives her something to work on which keeps her beak down
| | My Tort loves it! | 2016-12-01
My baby sulcata enjoys nibbling on the block. I do recommend!!
| | Great value | 2016-08-24
Quick ship, too.
| | shipping | 2016-02-15
Shipping was on time.
Period from 2017-10-20 to 2023-12-12
| | Nice | 2023-12-12
Great in theory but our torts wouldn’t touch it as it is so just cutting smaller sections
| | Calcium block | 2022-08-11
9/10 tortoise seem to like it
| | Just as many reviews indicate, my tortoise didn't like it either. | 2018-07-26
My tortoise seem interested in it when I first placed it in her habitat but when she tried nibbling on it I guess it was too hard for her and now she hasn't paid attention to it. I hope she tries again.
| | Calcium block | 2018-05-23
My tort hasn’t tried it yet. It’s good, but it looked a little dirty. So not sure what happened to it prior to packing. However, I don’t think Henry (my tort) will mind.
| | Maybe your tortoise will like it? | 2017-10-20
It smelled veggitably, and looked promising. However, my 7 year old tortoise would not touch it. If he was started out on it as a baby, maybe he would know all about it? If your tortoise likes cuddlebone type blocks, then this one is a good buy. I left it in his cage, maybe one day he will try it.
Period from 2017-05-11 to 2018-07-31
| | Clueless tortoise | 2018-07-31
My tortoise is clueless, but came quickly and the ideas great, if only he knew, aye!
| | Too big | 2017-05-11
Good product but far to big for my horsefiekd tortoise I took it out as he never uses it , waste of money for me.
Period from 2015-12-31 to 2016-09-09
| | picky tortoise's? | 2016-09-09
I have a Greek and a Russian tortoise and the block has been in the habitat in several different places in eating areas for about 3 weeks and they haven't nibbled on it or done anything but crawl over it. I even took the cuddle bone out but they show no interest in it. Are they just picky or am I doing something wrong?
| | she does not like her block! | 2015-12-31
Our russisan tortoise does !it seem to like this.
Period from 2018-09-27 to 2018-09-27
| | Stinks and tortoise won’t go near it | 2018-09-27
Horrible smell comes off this and I’ve tried to waiting it out a week to see if it goes away but still a strong smell coming off it and my tortoise hasn’t gone near it once.

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Trustami is an independent service provider for the display of external reviews. Trustami imports customer ratings from third-party platforms. Unfortunately, we cannot verify the authenticity of all the reviews that we collect automatically. Therefore, in case of imported ratings, Trustami cannot ensure that these ratings come exclusively from consumers who have actually used or purchased the goods or services.

Product Information

ZML Feeder Banquet Schildkröte (1 Stück)
Description: Die Schildkröte ist entworfen, um bieten sie ihrem Schildkröten und Box Schildkröten zusätzlichen Kalzium und zur Erhaltung der Schnabel und bieten gleichzeitig eine Bereicherung. Opuntia-Kaktus, Gemüse und Alfalfa macht dies eine großartige Möglichkeit, Ihre Ernährung Schildkröte Vielfalt zu bieten. Große Quelle Von Kalzium, Spineless, Kakteen und anderes Gemüse. Eine Bereicherung für Ihre Schildkröten kauen den Block, um das Essen. Verhindert Überwucherungen Ihrer Schildkröten "Schnabel. ...
Pet Supplies

Last Update: 2024-05-07

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Trustami rating scale
5.00 - 4.75 Excellent
4.75 - 4.25 Very Good
4.25 - 3.75 Good
3.75 - 2.75 Satisfactory
2.75 - 1.75 Sufficient
1.75 - 1.00 Poor

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