Product Reviews and Experiences for

8 Ratings
4.00 / 5.00

Product Reviews

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Period from 2016-07-29 to 2019-08-03
| | Simple, mais efficace. | 2019-08-03
Nous avons mise cette lampe dans notre salle de bain pour éclairer nos miroirs. C’est très fin et très jolie.
| | 4,0 von 5 Sternen LED Spot | 2019-05-14
Schöne und wertige Leuchte. Nur die Verkabelung ist etwas fummelig.
| | Un éclairage chic et discret et efficace | 2018-12-27
Petit discret de qualité avec un éclairage très performant
| | 2017-01-29
Bella ma pensavo che era anche per fuori. Forse la lampada può stare fuori. Ma il collegamento con il filo non e IP66. Per il resto ottima prodotto
| | Un poco pequeño... | 2016-07-29
Compré unas lámparas colgantes de la misma linea las cuales me encantaron. Busqué algo similar, y la sorpresa fue que el tamaño no teníanada que ver... Eso y que hubo una incidencia a la hora de formalizar la compra y me llegaron dos unidades pues... Todo unido hace que no esté demasiado satisfecho con la compra.
Period from 2018-12-27 to 2019-08-03
| | Simple, mais efficace. | 2019-08-03
Nous avons mise cette lampe dans notre salle de bain pour éclairer nos miroirs. C’est très fin et très jolie.
| | Un éclairage chic et discret et efficace | 2018-12-27
Petit discret de qualité avec un éclairage très performant
Period from 2019-05-14 to 2019-05-14
| | 4,0 von 5 Sternen LED Spot | 2019-05-14
Schöne und wertige Leuchte. Nur die Verkabelung ist etwas fummelig.
Period from 2017-01-29 to 2017-01-29
| | 2017-01-29
Bella ma pensavo che era anche per fuori. Forse la lampada può stare fuori. Ma il collegamento con il filo non e IP66. Per il resto ottima prodotto
Period from 2016-07-29 to 2016-07-29
| | Un poco pequeño... | 2016-07-29
Compré unas lámparas colgantes de la misma linea las cuales me encantaron. Busqué algo similar, y la sorpresa fue que el tamaño no teníanada que ver... Eso y que hubo una incidencia a la hora de formalizar la compra y me llegaron dos unidades pues... Todo unido hace que no esté demasiado satisfecho con la compra.
We could not find any experience as text

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Trustami is an independent service provider for the display of external reviews. Trustami imports customer ratings from third-party platforms. Unfortunately, we cannot verify the authenticity of all the reviews that we collect automatically. Therefore, in case of imported ratings, Trustami cannot ensure that these ratings come exclusively from consumers who have actually used or purchased the goods or services.

Product Information

Description: Faro Ora 29891 / 8421776066298 - Farbe: Schwarz - Material: Aluminium,Kunststoff,Metall - Fassung: fest verbaut Leistung: max. 4W LED - Schutzart: IP20 - Höhe: 10 cm Länge: 10,2 cm Tiefe: 4 cm . Technische Details Art des Artikels: Wandstrahler Farbe: Schwarz Materialien: Aluminium, Kunststoff, Metall Maße: Höhe: 10 cm Länge: 10,2 cm Tiefe: 4 cm Leuchtmittel: Fest verbautes LED Modul Leuchtmittel: LED Modul, nicht austauschbar Fassung: fest verbaut Max. Wattage: 0 W Schutzart: ...
House & Garden

Last Update: 2024-03-25

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Trustami regularly scans the internet for new reviews and collect them in one place, in order to make them available to interested parties at a glance.

We want to make it as easy as possible for every internet user to look up products. Instead of relying on just one source, we provide a single point of contact to get easily all the reviews on a product.

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Trustami was created as a project of the Technical University of Berlin (TUB) with the aim of making the internet more trustworthy. Research in the field of "Social Media Analytics & Big Data" at the Chair of Information and Communication Management (IKM) provided a first prototype that enabled the collection of reputation data. With further development and funding Trustami became an independent spin-off.

Trustami rating scale
5.00 - 4.75 Excellent
4.75 - 4.25 Very Good
4.25 - 3.75 Good
3.75 - 2.75 Satisfactory
2.75 - 1.75 Sufficient
1.75 - 1.00 Poor

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