Produktbewertungen und Erfahrungen für
Losi Tuned Exhaust Pipe 23-30cc Gas Engines 5ive LOSR8020

18 Bewertungen
3,67 / 5,00



5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Sterne
Zeitraum von 22.06.2016 bis 26.01.2021
| | Good company | 26.01.2021
Yeah it exceeded my expectations on purchasing this RC car
| | 07.11.2019
Bought this for my Losi 5ive 2.0 and it makes the Zenoah 32 sing, good balance Low end and High RPM for less than a Bartolone. The only negative was the package did not include a spring to use the holding tabs for the header/pipe connection. Highly recommended.
| | 22.04.2018
Not the pipe I received
| | awesome | 08.01.2018
great sound, more response and more power
| | 15.02.2017
Unreal difference thanks
| | Five Stars | 14.02.2017
Unreal difference thanks
| | 23.09.2016
This thing is junk. Constantly comes loose, mount broke on second run. Look for other options.
| | 07.09.2016
It is a great pipe. Every video I have seen doesn't do it justice. This is one loud pipe. Unfortunately the box handlers at UPS delivered a box so smashed up it looked like a bag. If I were home I would have rejected the package. The pipe was poking through the plastic and the box. There were parts missing and the pipe had a small dent. With that said, I'm still happy with the pipe.
| | UPS should be ashamed! | 06.09.2016
It is a great pipe. Every video I have seen doesn't do it justice. This is one loud pipe. Unfortunately the box handlers at UPS delivered a box so smashed up it looked like a bag. If I were home I would have rejected the package. The pipe was poking through the plastic and the box. There were parts missing and the pipe had a small dent. With that said, I'm still happy with the pipe.
| | 26.07.2016
Nice pipe, fits well.
| | 22.06.2016
does not fit the team losi desert buggy xl with 23cc engine
Zeitraum von 26.07.2016 bis 26.01.2021
| | Good company | 26.01.2021
Yeah it exceeded my expectations on purchasing this RC car
| | 07.11.2019
Bought this for my Losi 5ive 2.0 and it makes the Zenoah 32 sing, good balance Low end and High RPM for less than a Bartolone. The only negative was the package did not include a spring to use the holding tabs for the header/pipe connection. Highly recommended.
| | awesome | 08.01.2018
great sound, more response and more power
| | 15.02.2017
Unreal difference thanks
| | Five Stars | 14.02.2017
Unreal difference thanks
| | 26.07.2016
Nice pipe, fits well.
Zeitraum von 06.09.2016 bis 07.09.2016
| | 07.09.2016
It is a great pipe. Every video I have seen doesn't do it justice. This is one loud pipe. Unfortunately the box handlers at UPS delivered a box so smashed up it looked like a bag. If I were home I would have rejected the package. The pipe was poking through the plastic and the box. There were parts missing and the pipe had a small dent. With that said, I'm still happy with the pipe.
| | UPS should be ashamed! | 06.09.2016
It is a great pipe. Every video I have seen doesn't do it justice. This is one loud pipe. Unfortunately the box handlers at UPS delivered a box so smashed up it looked like a bag. If I were home I would have rejected the package. The pipe was poking through the plastic and the box. There were parts missing and the pipe had a small dent. With that said, I'm still happy with the pipe.
Wir konnten keine Erfahrungen in Textform finden
Wir konnten keine Erfahrungen in Textform finden
Zeitraum von 22.06.2016 bis 22.04.2018
| | 22.04.2018
Not the pipe I received
| | 23.09.2016
This thing is junk. Constantly comes loose, mount broke on second run. Look for other options.
| | 22.06.2016
does not fit the team losi desert buggy xl with 23cc engine

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Losi Tuned Exhaust Pipe 23-30cc Gas Engines 5ive LOSR8020
Beschreibung: Key Features Separate conical header and an ultra smooth tooled expansion chamber Constructed of hi-quality steel alloy and is coated with a rust and heat resistant black finish for added protection and appearance Race inspired exhaust provides increase in power and performance Creates a Racer like exhaust tone which is thrilling for the user as well as the spectator Improves performance and provides powerful exhaust note Overview The Losi LOSR8020 tuned pipe is dollar-for-dollar the easiest and ...
Sport, Freizeit & Hobby

Letztes Update: 13.05.2024

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Trustami Bewertungsskala
5,00 - 4,75 Ausgezeichnet
4,75 - 4,25 Sehr Gut
4,25 - 3,75 Gut
3,75 - 2,75 Befriedigend
2,75 - 1,75 Ausreichend
1,75 - 1,00 Mangelhaft

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