Recensioni ed esperienze sui prodotti per
La Prairie Cellular Softening and Balancing Lotion - 250ml

38 recensioni
3,97 / 5,00

Recensioni dei prodotti

5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stelle
Periodo da 31/01/2012 fino al 09/02/2022
| | 1.0 out of 5 stars This is a FAKE!!! | 09/02/2022
This is a different colour and consistency than the real thing. I have bought this prodct before and this is clearly a knockoff. BEWARE!!!!!!!!!
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Product arrived intact and fast, great service, thank you very much! | 14/12/2021
Everything was great, thank you very much!
| | 2,0 su 5 stelle A bad shopping trip | 28/05/2020
A bad shopping trip
| | Awesome! | 13/05/2020
I loved it!
| | 1.0 out of 5 stars Bad packaging | 04/07/2019
Received damaged
| | 1.0 out of 5 stars Fake? | 22/05/2019
My wife says it’s fake. Not the same with the one she bought in Bloomingdales
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent lotion | 19/04/2017
I use this lotion for many years now. Leaves the skin supple, hydrated and its a very good base for a moisturizer, suncream, whatever. I love it. Expensive but very very good. It lasts me almost 1 year.
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars | 07/02/2017
| | 3.0 out of 5 stars Really Sticky on Face | 22/01/2017
This product smells really great and will last a while but it is extremely expensive and has a tingling feeling on my face. It is also extremely sticky on my skin. It could possibly work as a great toner for night time but definitely does not work during the day time.
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Exceptional products | 27/06/2016
This is a wonderful 'lotion' for the face - I have been using it for 6 years now and just realized that Amazon sells it at a lower price than what I have been paying (I have one bottle on order). It does soften the skin prior to using moisturizer both day and night without any reaction to my sensitive skin. La Prairie products are the only ones I will use & my skin looks better as a result. I'm 60 years old and my skin is as smooth & soft as a baby's bottom! If you want
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars | 13/10/2015
Good packing, thank you. I loveit
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars | 26/08/2015
Nice softener
| | 4.0 out of 5 stars Four Stars | 07/01/2015
Work well for my skin but it's too heavy to use daily. Transferred some to light container.
| | Best toner ever I will always buy my La Prairie ... | 15/08/2014
Best toner ever I will always buy my La Prairie on Amazon. You cannot beat the price. Platinum Rare is awesome for face and eyes.
| | Best toner ever for dry skin | 02/11/2013
This is a great toner - HOWEVER, I RECALL WRITING that mine arrived leaking and wet ... Would never buy this again except in-store ..
| | Expensive but worth every penny! | 13/06/2012
This lotion works so well. After you wash your face, wet a cotton pad with this lotion and smooth it all over your face. This apply your cream. It helps your skin to absorb the cream so much better! Love this product! been using it for years. Everyone that I recommended it to loves it!
| | Great product | 31/01/2012
This is the best toner I've ever used and I'd tried a lot! I used to think that Eudermine softener by Shiseido is the best but this one out did the others. It makes your skin so soft and hydrated and causes your moisturizer to absorb to your skin better. Since I am using this lotion my wrinkles were improved (I haven't change my cream). It causes your moisturizer or cream to work better. It is expensive (regular price about $150) but you can get it through Amazon for almost half
Periodo da 31/01/2012 fino al 14/12/2021
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Product arrived intact and fast, great service, thank you very much! | 14/12/2021
Everything was great, thank you very much!
| | Awesome! | 13/05/2020
I loved it!
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent lotion | 19/04/2017
I use this lotion for many years now. Leaves the skin supple, hydrated and its a very good base for a moisturizer, suncream, whatever. I love it. Expensive but very very good. It lasts me almost 1 year.
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars | 07/02/2017
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Exceptional products | 27/06/2016
This is a wonderful 'lotion' for the face - I have been using it for 6 years now and just realized that Amazon sells it at a lower price than what I have been paying (I have one bottle on order). It does soften the skin prior to using moisturizer both day and night without any reaction to my sensitive skin. La Prairie products are the only ones I will use & my skin looks better as a result. I'm 60 years old and my skin is as smooth & soft as a baby's bottom! If you want
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars | 13/10/2015
Good packing, thank you. I loveit
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars | 26/08/2015
Nice softener
| | Best toner ever I will always buy my La Prairie ... | 15/08/2014
Best toner ever I will always buy my La Prairie on Amazon. You cannot beat the price. Platinum Rare is awesome for face and eyes.
| | Expensive but worth every penny! | 13/06/2012
This lotion works so well. After you wash your face, wet a cotton pad with this lotion and smooth it all over your face. This apply your cream. It helps your skin to absorb the cream so much better! Love this product! been using it for years. Everyone that I recommended it to loves it!
| | Great product | 31/01/2012
This is the best toner I've ever used and I'd tried a lot! I used to think that Eudermine softener by Shiseido is the best but this one out did the others. It makes your skin so soft and hydrated and causes your moisturizer to absorb to your skin better. Since I am using this lotion my wrinkles were improved (I haven't change my cream). It causes your moisturizer or cream to work better. It is expensive (regular price about $150) but you can get it through Amazon for almost half
Periodo da 07/01/2015 fino al 07/01/2015
| | 4.0 out of 5 stars Four Stars | 07/01/2015
Work well for my skin but it's too heavy to use daily. Transferred some to light container.
Periodo da 22/01/2017 fino al 22/01/2017
| | 3.0 out of 5 stars Really Sticky on Face | 22/01/2017
This product smells really great and will last a while but it is extremely expensive and has a tingling feeling on my face. It is also extremely sticky on my skin. It could possibly work as a great toner for night time but definitely does not work during the day time.
Periodo da 28/05/2020 fino al 28/05/2020
| | 2,0 su 5 stelle A bad shopping trip | 28/05/2020
A bad shopping trip
Periodo da 22/05/2019 fino al 09/02/2022
| | 1.0 out of 5 stars This is a FAKE!!! | 09/02/2022
This is a different colour and consistency than the real thing. I have bought this prodct before and this is clearly a knockoff. BEWARE!!!!!!!!!
| | 1.0 out of 5 stars Bad packaging | 04/07/2019
Received damaged
| | 1.0 out of 5 stars Fake? | 22/05/2019
My wife says it’s fake. Not the same with the one she bought in Bloomingdales

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Informazioni sul prodotto

La Prairie Cellular Softening and Balancing Lotion - 250ml
Descrizione: Gesichtslotion, 250 ml Inhalt
Drugstore Products & Healthcare

Ultimo aggiornamento: 23/02/2024

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5,00 - 4,75 Eccellente
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4,25 - 3,75 Bene
3,75 - 2,75 Soddisfacente
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1,75 - 1,00 Inadeguato

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