Avis sur les produits et expériences pour
Shoti Maa Bio Kraft & Wärme - Salbei, Ingwer & Holunderblüte (2 x 16 Btl)

Très bien
24 avis
4,50 / 5,00

Avis sur les produits

5 étoiles
4 étoiles
3 étoiles
2 étoiles
1 étoiles
Période à partir du 24.05.2011 jusqu'au 18.05.2020
| | Best tea ever | 18.05.2020
Wow!! I love it. Defenetly will shop again.
| | Super tea | 09.01.2020
Der Tee ist sehr lecker. Lieferung dauerte etwas lange, wahrscheinlich durch die Feiertage. Sehr empfehlenswert
| | Tastes great. packaging is beautiful. | 23.04.2019
Enough said. Really enjoyed the flavors of this tea and the way it was packaged was done beautifully.
| | Arrived quickly. Tea tastes good | 26.02.2019
Tastes vey good. Not too strong. Some benefit in digestion system
| | Great Tasting Tea | 19.02.2017
So, I'm not really very well versed on things like Chakras or basic tenets of Ayurveda. The text on the box clearly aims to appeal to individuals who subscribe to those belief systems, and I can't answer so much to it's efficacy on those levels. What I can say is this tastes pretty stinking awesome, awesome enough I'm willing to pay the higher price and shipping fees I've paid for it each time I've ordered it here, because I can't find it at local stores in my
| | Tut der Seele gut | 16.01.2017
Dieser Tee spendet tatsächlich Wärme - und ich denke nicht, dass ich es mir nur eingebildet habe. Er schmeckt gut und wärmt - was will man mehr im Winter ;o)
| | wärmender Tee | 27.10.2016
Mir wurde dieser Tee empfohlen ......da mir während einer Ernährungsumstellung ständig kalt war . Der Tee ist angenehm im Geschmack und wärmt ganz toll von innen .
| | Wife loves it. | 17.04.2016
My wife ordered this and had me try it. I'm not a tea man by any means, however this chai is actually very good. Tastes great and makes my wife happy.
| | Four Stars | 23.03.2016
One for every mood
| | Five Stars | 19.03.2016
This tea has a wonderful flavor
| | Unique and delicious | 28.01.2016
This variety of teas is unique and absolutely worth the price. Some of the flavors made me raise an eyebrow but I am very glad I tried them. I will purchase again.
| | Herb and spice infusions | 01.09.2015
This sampler contains all twelve varieties from Shoti Maa and is a good way to try them all. The packaging is lovely.They are all herb and spice infusions rather than tea, with the exception of "Loving," which contains green tea in addition to the herbs and spices.The ingredients are certified organic and the percentage of the major ingredients are listed on the box.The bags are made with string and a paper tag and are designed for fast brewing. They are individually packaged in
| | New taste combinations - Delightful | 27.08.2015
The magic box of organic tea is unique in that it provides samples of twelve teas. Each are delicious, using combinations of organically grown herbs and spices. The teabags are sealed in individual wrappings and the tea bags themselves are the flow through design with strings and tabs attached making them quite easy to brew. The flavors are as follows:I AM................................Sage, Ginger & ElderflowerIN THE MOOD................Hibiscus, Orange &
| | Schöne Mischung - inhaltstoffe durchlesen! | 07.01.2015
Wer Kraft und Wärme braucht, ist hier richtig. Ich habe 6 Mischungen von Shoti Maa probiert, die sind alle karakterisch und kräftig. Kaufempfehlung.
| | Very good tea | 24.05.2011
I wanted to leave a review for this product so that, hopefully, they will continue to sell it. I used to purchase only Yogi Ginger Tea, but their teas have either changed formula or have gotten inconsistent, and now almost everything they produce in this line tastes like licorice. I have been looking for a substitute, and this tea is actually quite good. The blend is perfect, and I can taste Ginger instead of licorice! (Thankfully, their tea omits this ingredient.)I would definitely recommend
Période à partir du 07.01.2015 jusqu'au 18.05.2020
| | Best tea ever | 18.05.2020
Wow!! I love it. Defenetly will shop again.
| | Super tea | 09.01.2020
Der Tee ist sehr lecker. Lieferung dauerte etwas lange, wahrscheinlich durch die Feiertage. Sehr empfehlenswert
| | Tastes great. packaging is beautiful. | 23.04.2019
Enough said. Really enjoyed the flavors of this tea and the way it was packaged was done beautifully.
| | Great Tasting Tea | 19.02.2017
So, I'm not really very well versed on things like Chakras or basic tenets of Ayurveda. The text on the box clearly aims to appeal to individuals who subscribe to those belief systems, and I can't answer so much to it's efficacy on those levels. What I can say is this tastes pretty stinking awesome, awesome enough I'm willing to pay the higher price and shipping fees I've paid for it each time I've ordered it here, because I can't find it at local stores in my
| | Tut der Seele gut | 16.01.2017
Dieser Tee spendet tatsächlich Wärme - und ich denke nicht, dass ich es mir nur eingebildet habe. Er schmeckt gut und wärmt - was will man mehr im Winter ;o)
| | wärmender Tee | 27.10.2016
Mir wurde dieser Tee empfohlen ......da mir während einer Ernährungsumstellung ständig kalt war . Der Tee ist angenehm im Geschmack und wärmt ganz toll von innen .
| | Wife loves it. | 17.04.2016
My wife ordered this and had me try it. I'm not a tea man by any means, however this chai is actually very good. Tastes great and makes my wife happy.
| | Five Stars | 19.03.2016
This tea has a wonderful flavor
| | Herb and spice infusions | 01.09.2015
This sampler contains all twelve varieties from Shoti Maa and is a good way to try them all. The packaging is lovely.They are all herb and spice infusions rather than tea, with the exception of "Loving," which contains green tea in addition to the herbs and spices.The ingredients are certified organic and the percentage of the major ingredients are listed on the box.The bags are made with string and a paper tag and are designed for fast brewing. They are individually packaged in
| | New taste combinations - Delightful | 27.08.2015
The magic box of organic tea is unique in that it provides samples of twelve teas. Each are delicious, using combinations of organically grown herbs and spices. The teabags are sealed in individual wrappings and the tea bags themselves are the flow through design with strings and tabs attached making them quite easy to brew. The flavors are as follows:I AM................................Sage, Ginger & ElderflowerIN THE MOOD................Hibiscus, Orange &
| | Schöne Mischung - inhaltstoffe durchlesen! | 07.01.2015
Wer Kraft und Wärme braucht, ist hier richtig. Ich habe 6 Mischungen von Shoti Maa probiert, die sind alle karakterisch und kräftig. Kaufempfehlung.
Période à partir du 23.03.2016 jusqu'au 26.02.2019
| | Arrived quickly. Tea tastes good | 26.02.2019
Tastes vey good. Not too strong. Some benefit in digestion system
| | Four Stars | 23.03.2016
One for every mood
Nous n'avons trouvé aucune expérience sous forme de texte
Nous n'avons trouvé aucune expérience sous forme de texte
Nous n'avons trouvé aucune expérience sous forme de texte

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Trustami est un prestataire de services indépendant pour l'affichage d'avis externes. Trustami importe les évaluations des clients à partir de plateformes tierces. Malheureusement, nous ne pouvons pas vérifier l'authenticité de tous les nombreux avis que nous recueillons automatiquement. Dans le cas d'avis importés, Trustami ne peut donc garantir que ces avis proviennent exclusivement de consommateurs ayant effectivement utilisé ou acheté les biens ou services.

Information produit

Shoti Maa Bio Kraft & Wärme - Salbei, Ingwer & Holunderblüte (2 x 16 Btl)
La description: - Beliebt bei Yogis und Yoginis - Wohltuend für den Körper und Geist - Entspannt eine Tasse genießen Wenn uns die Stürme des Lebens umtosen, brauchen wir starke Wurzeln. Salbei, Ingwer und Holunder unterstützen dich mit ihrer freundlichen Kraft und Wärme. Sie ermuntern dich, deinen Platz in der Welt einzunehmen. Inhalt: 32 g (16 x 2 g) Bioprodukt: Bio Menge nur Einheit: kg Menge ohne Einheit: 0.032 Zutaten: Salbei* (20%), Ingwer* (20%), Zitronengras*, Süßholz*, Holunderblüten* (5%), ...
Food & Gastronomy | Drugstore Products & Healthcare | Books, Movies & Music

Dernière mise à jour: 30.03.2024

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Trustami recherche régulièrement sur Internet de nouveaux avis afin de les regrouper en un seul endroit et de les mettre à la disposition des parties intéressées en un coup d'œil.

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Échelle de notation Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Excellent
4,75 - 4,25 Très bon
4,25 - 3,75 Bon
3,75 - 2,75 Satisfaisant
2,75 - 1,75 Suffisant
1,75 - 1,00 Inadéquat

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