Product Reviews and Experiences for
Jung & Schön [Blu-ray]

1,079 Ratings
3.88 / 5.00

Product Reviews

1079 Reviews
New reviews during period from 01.06.2023 to 05.05.2024

Product Reviews

5 Stars
4 Stars
3 Stars
2 Stars
1 Stars
Period from 2020-10-24 to 2023-06-22
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Love it | 2023-06-22
Love it
| | 2,0 von 5 Sternen Zum Zeritvertreib | 2023-06-13
Zum Zeritvertreib.
| | 4,0 von 5 Sternen Film | 2023-04-20
Ja doch Interresant.
| | 1.0 out of 5 stars dealers will not necessarily disclose obscure blue ray formats | 2023-04-13
warning! this disk will most likely not play on your all region players at home. i have never encountered a disc that would not play because of format issues on my players until now. returns to this outfit are only worth 50% of original purchase price because they have been opened. do not order anything from these people unless you are willing to put up with this. i am mad!
| | 4.0 out of 5 stars Good movie. | 2023-03-30
My wife enjoy the movie so thats all that matters.
| | 4.0 out of 5 stars Good film | 2022-10-15
Good film and a interesting take
| | 5,0 von 5 Sternen Deshalb liebe ich französiche Dramen | 2022-08-27
Da wird nichts schön geredet oder nur halbgar serviert. Nö, die fallen samt dem Türrahmen ins Haus.
| | 2,0 von 5 Sternen Aufnahme des Films leider defekt. | 2022-07-22
Film ganz nett aber qualität der Aufnahme schlecht. Film bricht dauernd ab.
| | 1,0 von 5 Sternen Soft Porno für ältere Herrschaften | 2022-05-10
Am Ende des Tages ist es ein Film von einem alten Mann für ältere Männer. Damit sich diese gut fühlen wird ein Szenario dazu fabuliert, dass das Mädel, welches sich hier prostitutiert "aus guten Hause" kommt. Solche Geschichten gibt es im real Life nicht. Schön, dass der Regiseur Spass hatte. Die Schauschpielerin hat auf jeden Fall schöne Brüste.
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars ADULT FILM... | 2022-04-24
| | 3,0 von 5 Sternen 70 | 2022-04-21
Zum Zeritvertreib.
| | 1,0 von 5 Sternen Schlimm | 2022-04-14
Unbedingt weglassen
| | 2.0 out of 5 stars Disappointing | 2022-04-13
I'm a big fan of French cinema, and have watched more good movies from across the channel than bad. I found this to be slow and tedious for the most part. It didn't live up to my expectations based on the description and other reviews.
| | 2,0 von 5 Sternen Naja | 2022-04-09
Nicht zu empfehlen
| | 2,0 von 5 Sternen ??? | 2022-03-19
Ich habe keine ahnung, was dieser film überhaupt will. Er ist nicht spannend, er hat irgendwie keine Botschaft. Und vor allem ist er nicht im mindesten erotisch. Den 2.* verdient er durch gute kameraführung und die schauspielerischen Leistungen, obwohl man sagen muss: eine gelangweilte jugendliche kann man auf jeder Strasse zu dutzenden auflesen. Woher kommen diese positiven filmkritiken???
| | 2.0 out of 5 stars girls can be difficult, have daughters | 2022-02-18
was disappointed when the mother was exposed for sleeping with son-in-law
| | 5,0 von 5 Sternen guter film | 2022-02-10
guter film
| | 4.0 out of 5 stars coming of age | 2022-01-25
Young girl experimenting with life befriended an older man, sadly he died in the throws of love making with the girl, much to her distress as he treated her with respect.
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Pretty graphic | 2021-12-26
Even though this is pretty titillating what with all the nudity and sex, it's got a meaningful story.
| | 4,0 su 5 stelle BEL FILM | 2021-11-04
Racconta la storia di una giovane ragazza che diventa escort all' insaputa dei genitori,il film finisce quando la protagonista incontra la vedova di un suo cliente morto durante una prestazione sessuale.
| | 1.0 out of 5 stars A movie to send you to sleep | 2021-11-01
This has to be one of the most boring movies I have ever seen. I wish I hadn't purchased it. The story is very long winded. I watched the first 10 minutes and fast forwarded the rest stopping occasionally to see it if would spark my interest. It never did. If you want a movie to go to sleep to purchase it, or better still count sheep!!
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars So beautiful it made my heart ache | 2021-09-30
I liked the acting, the maturity and the simplicity of this powerful story. A young girl of sixteen, who is spectacularly beautiful, longs to have her first sexual experience. She has that opportunity one night on the beach with a boy her age. He is enchanted with her in the way a young man should be. But she is not mentally and emotionally in that same space. While it is happening, she experiences a break with herself. She is in the embrace, but at the same time she "sees" herself
| | 4.0 out of 5 stars Good educational film. | 2021-09-03
Well made and worth to watch.
| | 1.0 out of 5 stars MY COPY WAS IN GERMAN WITH GERMAN ONLY SUBTITLES | 2021-08-01
Couldn't understand any of the dialogue, it was in German with only German subtitles... wouldn't have mattered though.... a girl who loses her virginity to the typical young German male who just wants to screw her... and so she decides that wasn't worth any money so why not charge older men a few hundred whatever for making love to her... she ends up with a wad of money but here mother finds out and slaps her around... one dude dies on her.... not really a good movie...
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars A must-see | 2021-07-10
An intriguing film that I'm definitely going to watch again.
| | 4.0 out of 5 stars Very soapy | 2021-07-09
Very soapy
| | 4.0 out of 5 stars THE STORY UNTOLD | 2021-06-06
This is my first time seeing a film by Ozon. For me, this film was more about the stories which weren’t fully told, which I would have liked to know more about: for example, the story of septuagenarian Georges, Isabelle’s client, and his unconventional marriage. Also it became clear to me through their hotel room trysts, that Isabelle reminded Georges of his wife, which is why he kept seeing her as an escort. As his wife tells her in the hotel room at the end, they first met when the wife was
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Brill | 2021-05-27
Very satisfied
| | Sehr gut | 2021-04-21
Anspruchsvoll und gut
| | Französische Erzählkunst | 2021-04-19
Gesamtkunstwerk aus Besetzung, filmische Umsetzung, Musik, Sprache und eine neue Sicht auf das Leben aus einem sehr intimen Blickwinkel.
| | Ein glaubwürdig dargestelltes Doppelleben | 2021-04-15
Überzeugende schauspielerische Leistungen aller Darsteller. Das Produkt entspricht den Beschreibungen des Verkäufers. Pünktliche, zuverlässige und einwandfreie Zusendung dieser DVD. Dafür herzlichen Dank!
| | 2.0 out of 5 stars AVOID | 2021-04-11
Pointless rubbish
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Rare find | 2021-04-08
One of my all time favorite French films
| | Ist OK | 2021-03-29
Am Anfang echt toll nur nach der Zeit langweilig
| | 4,0 su 5 stelle intrigante! | 2021-03-18
bel film e belle musiche, grande MARINE, peccato in Italia non sia uscito in bluray
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Her Face | 2021-03-17
Francois Ozon does it again, a beautiful work of art. My favourite movie of all time is Swimming Pool which is in a unique place of its own. Young And Beautiful as with Swimming Pool studies a young teenage girl coming of age with her sexuality. Marine Vacth is a superb actress here in her early 20s playing 17 year old Isabelle. The sex scenes are real, so very real showing the intense emotion throughout from Isabelle. I really felt for Isabella especially with her Mother turning on her in a
| | schööön | 2021-03-14
sehr empfehlenswert
| | unglaublich Interessant.... | 2021-03-08
Film, mit Tiefgang....Frage bleibt offen: weshalb, sie es gemacht hat- evtl. einfach nur so, zum Spaß ? dennoch, hatte sie mehr Freude an Zä gibt eben viele Unterschiedliche Menschen....
| | Absolut gelungen | 2021-02-18
Mir hat der Film sehr gefallen. Besonders natürlich Marine Vacth. Eine herbe Schönheit, die ihre Rolle super verkörperte. Dazu ihre Synchronstimme, die nicht hätte besser passen können. Auch etwas kühl, fast heiser und sehr sexy. Ich weiß nicht, was manche hier erwartet haben. Ich habe jedesfalls keinen Tingeltangelstreifen ala Hollywood erwartet. Ein 17jähriges in sich gekehrtes Mädchen, was erst einmal neugierig ist, beobachtet und sich ausprobiert.Das erste Mal im Urlaub Sex hat. Ich glaube,
| | 4,0 su 5 stelle Bello | 2021-02-06
Bello, raffinato.... l’attrice protagonista è da oscar!
| | 5,0 von 5 Sternen You go girl! | 2021-02-03
Hot, sexually active young girl. Probably not realistic but fun to watch
| | Nicely done but flawed | 2021-02-01
There is a lot to like about this film but in the end I found it unsatisfactory because I didn't really believe the plot. Nicely filmed and acted but ...
| | 5,0 su 5 stelle Un fim pressoché perfetto | 2021-01-19
Non è un film sulla prostituzione minorile, secondo impropria definizione datane, ma un film che racconta di quella misteriosa, problematica stagione di crescita e di formazione della vita che è l'adolescenza. Essa è sviluppata tramite una storia di prostituzione minorile che non costituisce però il tema centrale della pellicola ma piuttosto lo strumento utilizzato dal regista per descrivere in maniera del tutto asettica, senza indulgere in facili moralismi e senza compiacimento alcuno, la
| | Top | 2021-01-13
Kann man gucken
| | Thematically Rich And Thought-Provoking | 2021-01-11
A film about a beautiful, well-to-do, 17-year old student ‘turning into’ a prostitute has the potential of being firmly placed in the ‘male fantasy, titillation’ category, but writer-director François Ozon’s 2013 film dispels any such notions, providing a psychologically complex, acutely observed and mostly subtle take on the subject. Ozon plays the subject pretty much straight down the line, peppering the film with some nice moments of humour, in what otherwise could almost be taken as a
| | 4,0 von 5 Sternen Good movie 🍿 | 2020-12-19
It was well done. In my opinion.
| | er war gut | 2020-12-16
hat mir gut gefallen
| | 5,0 su 5 stelle Direi,un bel film.Da non perdere. | 2020-12-15
Dvd bellissimo. Ho visto in tv,questo film,ma non dal inizio.Allora l'ho cercato qui in Amazon da acquistare. Molto bello,direi Da vedere assolutamente.
| | Schöner Film | 2020-12-14
meiner Meinung nach ein durchweg gelungener Film, lohnt sich anzuschauen. Die Ähnlichkeit der Schauspielerin mit Julia Roberts ist verblüffend
| | 4,0 von 5 Sternen Marine Vacth in French Drama | 2020-11-26
DVD arrived quickly and in good condition. Widescreen, English and Spanish subtitles, French drama about a girl growing up and the trials and tribulations that are incurred as she explores her sexuality. Marine Vacth is as the title describes.
| | 3,0 von 5 Sternen Wasn't bad | 2020-10-24
Interesting for the escort genre.
Period from 2020-04-06 to 2023-06-22
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Love it | 2023-06-22
Love it
| | 5,0 von 5 Sternen Deshalb liebe ich französiche Dramen | 2022-08-27
Da wird nichts schön geredet oder nur halbgar serviert. Nö, die fallen samt dem Türrahmen ins Haus.
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars ADULT FILM... | 2022-04-24
| | 5,0 von 5 Sternen guter film | 2022-02-10
guter film
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Pretty graphic | 2021-12-26
Even though this is pretty titillating what with all the nudity and sex, it's got a meaningful story.
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars So beautiful it made my heart ache | 2021-09-30
I liked the acting, the maturity and the simplicity of this powerful story. A young girl of sixteen, who is spectacularly beautiful, longs to have her first sexual experience. She has that opportunity one night on the beach with a boy her age. He is enchanted with her in the way a young man should be. But she is not mentally and emotionally in that same space. While it is happening, she experiences a break with herself. She is in the embrace, but at the same time she "sees" herself
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars A must-see | 2021-07-10
An intriguing film that I'm definitely going to watch again.
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Brill | 2021-05-27
Very satisfied
| | Sehr gut | 2021-04-21
Anspruchsvoll und gut
| | Ein glaubwürdig dargestelltes Doppelleben | 2021-04-15
Überzeugende schauspielerische Leistungen aller Darsteller. Das Produkt entspricht den Beschreibungen des Verkäufers. Pünktliche, zuverlässige und einwandfreie Zusendung dieser DVD. Dafür herzlichen Dank!
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Rare find | 2021-04-08
One of my all time favorite French films
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Her Face | 2021-03-17
Francois Ozon does it again, a beautiful work of art. My favourite movie of all time is Swimming Pool which is in a unique place of its own. Young And Beautiful as with Swimming Pool studies a young teenage girl coming of age with her sexuality. Marine Vacth is a superb actress here in her early 20s playing 17 year old Isabelle. The sex scenes are real, so very real showing the intense emotion throughout from Isabelle. I really felt for Isabella especially with her Mother turning on her in a
| | Absolut gelungen | 2021-02-18
Mir hat der Film sehr gefallen. Besonders natürlich Marine Vacth. Eine herbe Schönheit, die ihre Rolle super verkörperte. Dazu ihre Synchronstimme, die nicht hätte besser passen können. Auch etwas kühl, fast heiser und sehr sexy. Ich weiß nicht, was manche hier erwartet haben. Ich habe jedesfalls keinen Tingeltangelstreifen ala Hollywood erwartet. Ein 17jähriges in sich gekehrtes Mädchen, was erst einmal neugierig ist, beobachtet und sich ausprobiert.Das erste Mal im Urlaub Sex hat. Ich glaube,
| | 5,0 von 5 Sternen You go girl! | 2021-02-03
Hot, sexually active young girl. Probably not realistic but fun to watch
| | 5,0 su 5 stelle Un fim pressoché perfetto | 2021-01-19
Non è un film sulla prostituzione minorile, secondo impropria definizione datane, ma un film che racconta di quella misteriosa, problematica stagione di crescita e di formazione della vita che è l'adolescenza. Essa è sviluppata tramite una storia di prostituzione minorile che non costituisce però il tema centrale della pellicola ma piuttosto lo strumento utilizzato dal regista per descrivere in maniera del tutto asettica, senza indulgere in facili moralismi e senza compiacimento alcuno, la
| | Top | 2021-01-13
Kann man gucken
| | Thematically Rich And Thought-Provoking | 2021-01-11
A film about a beautiful, well-to-do, 17-year old student ‘turning into’ a prostitute has the potential of being firmly placed in the ‘male fantasy, titillation’ category, but writer-director François Ozon’s 2013 film dispels any such notions, providing a psychologically complex, acutely observed and mostly subtle take on the subject. Ozon plays the subject pretty much straight down the line, peppering the film with some nice moments of humour, in what otherwise could almost be taken as a
| | 5,0 su 5 stelle Direi,un bel film.Da non perdere. | 2020-12-15
Dvd bellissimo. Ho visto in tv,questo film,ma non dal inizio.Allora l'ho cercato qui in Amazon da acquistare. Molto bello,direi Da vedere assolutamente.
| | Schöner Film | 2020-12-14
meiner Meinung nach ein durchweg gelungener Film, lohnt sich anzuschauen. Die Ähnlichkeit der Schauspielerin mit Julia Roberts ist verblüffend
| | Teen User Manual for parents. | 2020-10-14
An excellent film, good story telling. I would class it as educational film for parents of teenagers.
| | Immer wieder gerne | 2020-08-19
Alles gut
| | 5,0 von 5 Sternen My favorite foreign film. | 2020-07-12
I watched this film during my early years in college. I write this review now after my third time enjoying it. Marine Vacth, the star actress, is extraordinary. The camera angles are perfect—the sentiments captured are unforgettable. This is a story of a young woman who grows up, seeing all the good in life while testing all of the bad, to see if the bad can bleed into another form of good. Watch this movie alone, you will appreciate the emotions of the protagonist as being unique, and her
| | Spannender Thriller fürs Abendprogramm | 2020-04-08
Sehr guter und spannender Thriller und Drama. Die Hauptdarstellerin besticht durch Ihre Schönheit aber auch mit Ihrer unkonventionellen Art.
| | 5,0 von 5 Sternen paula | 2020-04-07
| | 5,0 von 5 Sternen Psychological poetry of sexual addiction | 2020-04-06
This movie is amazingly well written directed and acted. The review stating that it lacks depth is unable to tie it together. The first john she meets says she is beautiful with melancholy in her eyes. In the last scene she meets his wife who explains that she was 17 when the two met that she was always melancholy not brave enough to prostitute though she would have liked to. I'm not going to go on in a long deconstruction of the movie but if you've seen it and didn't catch that or
Period from 2021-06-06 to 2023-04-20
| | 4,0 von 5 Sternen Film | 2023-04-20
Ja doch Interresant.
| | 4.0 out of 5 stars Good movie. | 2023-03-30
My wife enjoy the movie so thats all that matters.
| | 4.0 out of 5 stars Good film | 2022-10-15
Good film and a interesting take
| | 4.0 out of 5 stars coming of age | 2022-01-25
Young girl experimenting with life befriended an older man, sadly he died in the throws of love making with the girl, much to her distress as he treated her with respect.
| | 4,0 su 5 stelle BEL FILM | 2021-11-04
Racconta la storia di una giovane ragazza che diventa escort all' insaputa dei genitori,il film finisce quando la protagonista incontra la vedova di un suo cliente morto durante una prestazione sessuale.
| | 4.0 out of 5 stars Good educational film. | 2021-09-03
Well made and worth to watch.
| | 4.0 out of 5 stars Very soapy | 2021-07-09
Very soapy
| | 4.0 out of 5 stars THE STORY UNTOLD | 2021-06-06
This is my first time seeing a film by Ozon. For me, this film was more about the stories which weren’t fully told, which I would have liked to know more about: for example, the story of septuagenarian Georges, Isabelle’s client, and his unconventional marriage. Also it became clear to me through their hotel room trysts, that Isabelle reminded Georges of his wife, which is why he kept seeing her as an escort. As his wife tells her in the hotel room at the end, they first met when the wife was
Period from 2019-11-01 to 2022-04-21
| | 3,0 von 5 Sternen 70 | 2022-04-21
Zum Zeritvertreib.
| | Ist OK | 2021-03-29
Am Anfang echt toll nur nach der Zeit langweilig
| | 3,0 von 5 Sternen Wasn't bad | 2020-10-24
Interesting for the escort genre.
| | Über besondere Schwierigkeiten des Erwachsenwerdens | 2020-10-11
Ein halbwegs guter Film, der ein wenig zum Nachdenken anregt.
| | Die Handlung gut | 2020-09-17
Die Handlung ist zwar gut, aber leider ist der Film zu langatmig.
| | Unverständlich | 2020-08-17
Leider erschließt sich mir der Hauptcharakter der jungen Frau und somit der Film nicht. Es ist, als sei Isabelle innerlich tot bzw. gefühlskalt. Selbst der familiären Liebe steht sie distanziert gebenüber. Als wäre sie ein Beobachter und Außenseiter ihres eigenen Lebens. Grenzen austesten mittels Prostiution? So wirklich gängig ist das unter Pubertierenden jetzt auch wieder nicht. Wirklich Spaß scheint der Sex (mit wechselnden Partnern) ihr nicht zu bereiten, abgesehen der tieferen Verbindung zu
| | typisch französisch | 2020-05-11
Wer gerne französische Filme schaut, ist bei diesem Film genau richtig. Ein Film zum entspannen. Schön gespielt, aber leider nur 3 Sterne von mir. Da finde ich französische Komödien besser.
| | 3,0 von 5 Sternen Mindless but what do you expect? | 2020-01-02
As advertised.
| | Kann man sich ansehen, aber mehr auch nicht. | 2019-11-01
Haben uns mehr versprochen.
Period from 2022-03-19 to 2023-06-13
| | 2,0 von 5 Sternen Zum Zeritvertreib | 2023-06-13
Zum Zeritvertreib.
| | 2,0 von 5 Sternen Aufnahme des Films leider defekt. | 2022-07-22
Film ganz nett aber qualität der Aufnahme schlecht. Film bricht dauernd ab.
| | 2.0 out of 5 stars Disappointing | 2022-04-13
I'm a big fan of French cinema, and have watched more good movies from across the channel than bad. I found this to be slow and tedious for the most part. It didn't live up to my expectations based on the description and other reviews.
| | 2,0 von 5 Sternen Naja | 2022-04-09
Nicht zu empfehlen
| | 2,0 von 5 Sternen ??? | 2022-03-19
Ich habe keine ahnung, was dieser film überhaupt will. Er ist nicht spannend, er hat irgendwie keine Botschaft. Und vor allem ist er nicht im mindesten erotisch. Den 2.* verdient er durch gute kameraführung und die schauspielerischen Leistungen, obwohl man sagen muss: eine gelangweilte jugendliche kann man auf jeder Strasse zu dutzenden auflesen. Woher kommen diese positiven filmkritiken???
Period from 2021-08-01 to 2023-04-13
| | 1.0 out of 5 stars dealers will not necessarily disclose obscure blue ray formats | 2023-04-13
warning! this disk will most likely not play on your all region players at home. i have never encountered a disc that would not play because of format issues on my players until now. returns to this outfit are only worth 50% of original purchase price because they have been opened. do not order anything from these people unless you are willing to put up with this. i am mad!
| | 1,0 von 5 Sternen Soft Porno für ältere Herrschaften | 2022-05-10
Am Ende des Tages ist es ein Film von einem alten Mann für ältere Männer. Damit sich diese gut fühlen wird ein Szenario dazu fabuliert, dass das Mädel, welches sich hier prostitutiert "aus guten Hause" kommt. Solche Geschichten gibt es im real Life nicht. Schön, dass der Regiseur Spass hatte. Die Schauschpielerin hat auf jeden Fall schöne Brüste.
| | 1,0 von 5 Sternen Schlimm | 2022-04-14
Unbedingt weglassen
| | 1.0 out of 5 stars A movie to send you to sleep | 2021-11-01
This has to be one of the most boring movies I have ever seen. I wish I hadn't purchased it. The story is very long winded. I watched the first 10 minutes and fast forwarded the rest stopping occasionally to see it if would spark my interest. It never did. If you want a movie to go to sleep to purchase it, or better still count sheep!!
| | 1.0 out of 5 stars MY COPY WAS IN GERMAN WITH GERMAN ONLY SUBTITLES | 2021-08-01
Couldn't understand any of the dialogue, it was in German with only German subtitles... wouldn't have mattered though.... a girl who loses her virginity to the typical young German male who just wants to screw her... and so she decides that wasn't worth any money so why not charge older men a few hundred whatever for making love to her... she ends up with a wad of money but here mother finds out and slaps her around... one dude dies on her.... not really a good movie...

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Trustami is an independent service provider for the display of external reviews. Trustami imports customer ratings from third-party platforms. Unfortunately, we cannot verify the authenticity of all the reviews that we collect automatically. Therefore, in case of imported ratings, Trustami cannot ensure that these ratings come exclusively from consumers who have actually used or purchased the goods or services.

Product Information

Jung & Schön [Blu-ray]
Description: Produktbeschreibung In seinem erotischen Meisterwerk erzählt François Ozon ( 8 Frauen, Swimming Pool, Das Schmuckstück ) vom sexuellen Erwachen eines jungen Mädchens, das sich über moralische Grenzen hinwegsetzt und eine neue Welt entdeckt. Das französische Supermodel Marine Vacth brilliert in ihrer ersten Hauptrolle als jugendliche Ausgabe einer Belle de Jour mit einer überzeugenden Mischung aus Verletzlichkeit und Willensstärke. An ihrer Seite agieren Géraldine Pailhas und Frédéric Pierrot als ...
Books, Movies & Music

Last Update: 2024-04-29

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Trustami regularly scans the internet for new reviews and collect them in one place, in order to make them available to interested parties at a glance.

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Trustami rating scale
5.00 - 4.75 Excellent
4.75 - 4.25 Very Good
4.25 - 3.75 Good
3.75 - 2.75 Satisfactory
2.75 - 1.75 Sufficient
1.75 - 1.00 Poor

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