Produktbewertungen und Erfahrungen für
Tissot Men's TXL Quartz Watch T0615101603100

13 Bewertungen
3,69 / 5,00


5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Sterne
Zeitraum von 04.02.2018 bis 16.12.2018
| | Good value | 16.12.2018
Cost and craftsmanship are profoundly attractive
| | Qc your product | 11.12.2018
The watch band was broken. Common man!
| | 2nd Tissot, thoroughly satisfied | 09.12.2018
Classic modern look, while simultaneously a little retro. Love Tissot quality and design. Unusual clasp for leather strap, still a little stiff or I give this 5 stars. May become 5 stars and another month
| | this is really a nice watch. its easy to read accurate and really ... | 29.06.2018
this is really a nice watch. its easy to read accurate and really light. you don't even feel like your warring a watch! the band clasp is great.It saves the ware and tare on the nice leather strap.
| | Nice classy dressy watch. Tissot overrules and supersedes. | 25.04.2018
Very nice classy watch, in a nice Swiss made military classic watch. I've always liked Tissot, it's high quality at an affordable price. Been wearing Tissot since 1994. Can't go wrong.
| | From my grandfather. | 05.02.2018
I bought yet another Tissot watch. Is there any other brand worth my money that will last and last so I know my grandsons can wear it too. This watch is beautiful. A classic, heritage watch that resembles one that your grandfather might have worn. Beautiful and timeless and masculine at the same time. I have a few Tissot watches. That started with my grandfather who was my hero and role model. Anything he said were words to remember. He led a charmed life, classic in every way. My
| | From my grandfather. | 04.02.2018
I bought yet another Tissot watch. Is there any other brand worth my money that will last and last so I know my grandsons can wear it too. This watch is beautiful. A classic, heritage watch that resembles one that your grandfather might have worn. Beautiful and timeless and masculine at the same time. I have a few Tissot watches. That started with my grandfather who was my hero and role model. Anything he said were words to remember. He led a charmed life, classic in every way. My
Zeitraum von 04.02.2018 bis 29.06.2018
| | this is really a nice watch. its easy to read accurate and really ... | 29.06.2018
this is really a nice watch. its easy to read accurate and really light. you don't even feel like your warring a watch! the band clasp is great.It saves the ware and tare on the nice leather strap.
| | Nice classy dressy watch. Tissot overrules and supersedes. | 25.04.2018
Very nice classy watch, in a nice Swiss made military classic watch. I've always liked Tissot, it's high quality at an affordable price. Been wearing Tissot since 1994. Can't go wrong.
| | From my grandfather. | 05.02.2018
I bought yet another Tissot watch. Is there any other brand worth my money that will last and last so I know my grandsons can wear it too. This watch is beautiful. A classic, heritage watch that resembles one that your grandfather might have worn. Beautiful and timeless and masculine at the same time. I have a few Tissot watches. That started with my grandfather who was my hero and role model. Anything he said were words to remember. He led a charmed life, classic in every way. My
| | From my grandfather. | 04.02.2018
I bought yet another Tissot watch. Is there any other brand worth my money that will last and last so I know my grandsons can wear it too. This watch is beautiful. A classic, heritage watch that resembles one that your grandfather might have worn. Beautiful and timeless and masculine at the same time. I have a few Tissot watches. That started with my grandfather who was my hero and role model. Anything he said were words to remember. He led a charmed life, classic in every way. My
Zeitraum von 09.12.2018 bis 16.12.2018
| | Good value | 16.12.2018
Cost and craftsmanship are profoundly attractive
| | 2nd Tissot, thoroughly satisfied | 09.12.2018
Classic modern look, while simultaneously a little retro. Love Tissot quality and design. Unusual clasp for leather strap, still a little stiff or I give this 5 stars. May become 5 stars and another month
Wir konnten keine Erfahrungen in Textform finden
Wir konnten keine Erfahrungen in Textform finden
Zeitraum von 11.12.2018 bis 11.12.2018
| | Qc your product | 11.12.2018
The watch band was broken. Common man!

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Tissot Men's TXL Quartz Watch T0615101603100
Beschreibung: Stainless steel case. Leather strap. Silver dial. Swiss quartz movement. Date. Water resistant 100 meters. Case 31mm.
Mode & Accessoires

Letztes Update: 08.10.2024

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5 / 5 Sternen
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Trustami Bewertungsskala
5,00 - 4,75 Ausgezeichnet
4,75 - 4,25 Sehr Gut
4,25 - 3,75 Gut
3,75 - 2,75 Befriedigend
2,75 - 1,75 Ausreichend
1,75 - 1,00 Mangelhaft