Produktbewertungen und Erfahrungen für
Thomas and Friends Trackmaster Philip - DVF82

Sehr Gut
236 Bewertungen
4,58 / 5,00


5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Sterne
Zeitraum von 26.03.2017 bis 02.01.2023
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Crap | 02.01.2023
| | doesn't work | 05.11.2022
unfortunately my grandson had already taken this home and i had thrown the packaging, before putting the batteries in and finding out that it was a faulty product.
| | Fab little engine | 14.02.2022
Great train, kids love it !!
| | Trains | 26.12.2020
| | 30.08.2020
No consegui reclamarlo porque solo ahora lo he visto: producto llega abierto
| | 05.08.2020
Perfect. Little boy over the moon with it
| | 5,0 su 5 stelle ... | 10.06.2020
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Buen juguete | 09.02.2020
A mi hijo le encanta, buen acabado
| | Perfecto | 13.11.2019
Bueno, lo esperado
| | One of Thomas the Tanks less well known friends. | 09.10.2019
My grandson loves this and a valued member of his set of trains.
| | 28.08.2019
As described.
| | 01.07.2019
Spedizione puntuale e precisa. Ottimo giocattolo
| | Nice | 19.05.2019
It's a Thomas train nice if you like that sort of thing I'm sure
| | 15.05.2019
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Great buy | 04.05.2019
He loved it
| | Muy satisfecho | 10.02.2019
Muy contento con el producto cumple las expectativas
| | 2.0 out of 5 stars FYI! Don't buy if you have the old Thomas wooden tracks! | 14.01.2019
Don't get this train if you have the older wooden tracks. It works, kind of, sort of. It's OK on straight runs and shallow turns, anything else not so much. Part of the problem is that this particular design is so boxy, it hits more. I do realize that this is a TRACKMASTER train. My sister who bought it, did not. She assumed that since we had a ton of Thomas trains & tracks that this was the same thing. Silly girl, buying 'official' Thomas trains. This train probably
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Great quality | 04.01.2019
Nice and good quality product.
| | Good | 21.12.2018
Arrived on time, Christmas present but looks good
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Terrific Toy! | 15.11.2018
Great gift!
| | Excellent | 09.11.2018
Loved by grandson
| | Really fast and whizzes round the track master set really fast | 06.11.2018
Another great product that’s a xmas prezzie for my son
| | 5,0 su 5 stelle Bellissimo trenino della serie Thomas | 30.10.2018
Bellissimo trenino, preso per il mio bambino di 4 anni in aggiunta ad un tracciato del trenino Thomas. Ottime plastiche e colori brillanti, qualità Fisher-Price top!
| | train thomad | 18.09.2018
Mon petit fils a beaucoup aime ce petit train. Je recommande ce produit.
| | 05.09.2018
One of my son's favorite Thomas & Friends Track master train sets. He never gets tired of playing with these trains. He has 7 sets of them.
| | Good quality trackmaster train | 10.08.2018
Another trackmaster train for tge collection. Got it at a bargain price for an xmas stocking filler. Always quality products.
| | 15.06.2018
| | 20.05.2018
Muy bueno y bonito, justo lo que esperaba...Llegó antes de lo esperado. Muy satisfecha. A mi hijo le ha encantado.
| | 26.04.2018
Dont make them like they used to.
| | 02.03.2018
Lovely trains, my young grandson is obsessed with them. Knows all their names, wants them all. Good price
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Used with his Super Station. | 17.02.2018
Gift for my grandson... He loves them. Used with his Super Station.
| | 13.02.2018
My son loves Thomas the train, this was a great addition to his track master sets!
| | 12.01.2018
Smaller than I expected. Good anyway
| | 11.01.2018
Addition to grandsons Thomas collection
| | 10.01.2018
my toddler love this, that mean I love this!
| | Five Stars | 08.01.2018
Grandson loves it
| | 18.12.2017
| | 04.12.2017
Christmas gift for a little boy who loves trains!
| | 24.11.2017
| | 24.10.2017
| | 19.10.2017
This was one of my son's trains that he asked for on a Christmas List already. So glad I was able to purchase it.
| | Just as advertised | 19.10.2017
Fully met my expectations.
| | 16.10.2017
they work
| | 27.09.2017
My grandson loved it.
| | Five Stars | 08.09.2017
FP no need for reviews, you buy one toy and you will be buying more :)
| | TrackMaster is always great | 28.08.2017
perfect; as advertised
| | thomas & friends | 17.08.2017
its not as the same as in the thomas series buts its all you can buy so i bought it its now on my thomas lay out as a 0-4-0 train
| | 31.07.2017
Son loves these! Plays non-stop. Get rechargeable batteries. Thomas, Percy, and James run better.
| | Five Stars | 10.07.2017
Great price for a brand new train, my son loves it!!!
| | 31.05.2017
My son loved it and it's good quality.
| | Son loves these toys. | 26.03.2017
Son loves the trackmasters
Zeitraum von 17.02.2018 bis 02.01.2023
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Crap | 02.01.2023
| | Fab little engine | 14.02.2022
Great train, kids love it !!
| | Trains | 26.12.2020
| | 05.08.2020
Perfect. Little boy over the moon with it
| | 5,0 su 5 stelle ... | 10.06.2020
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Buen juguete | 09.02.2020
A mi hijo le encanta, buen acabado
| | Perfecto | 13.11.2019
Bueno, lo esperado
| | 28.08.2019
As described.
| | 01.07.2019
Spedizione puntuale e precisa. Ottimo giocattolo
| | Nice | 19.05.2019
It's a Thomas train nice if you like that sort of thing I'm sure
| | 15.05.2019
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Great buy | 04.05.2019
He loved it
| | Muy satisfecho | 10.02.2019
Muy contento con el producto cumple las expectativas
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Great quality | 04.01.2019
Nice and good quality product.
| | Good | 21.12.2018
Arrived on time, Christmas present but looks good
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Terrific Toy! | 15.11.2018
Great gift!
| | Excellent | 09.11.2018
Loved by grandson
| | 5,0 su 5 stelle Bellissimo trenino della serie Thomas | 30.10.2018
Bellissimo trenino, preso per il mio bambino di 4 anni in aggiunta ad un tracciato del trenino Thomas. Ottime plastiche e colori brillanti, qualità Fisher-Price top!
| | train thomad | 18.09.2018
Mon petit fils a beaucoup aime ce petit train. Je recommande ce produit.
| | 05.09.2018
One of my son's favorite Thomas & Friends Track master train sets. He never gets tired of playing with these trains. He has 7 sets of them.
| | Good quality trackmaster train | 10.08.2018
Another trackmaster train for tge collection. Got it at a bargain price for an xmas stocking filler. Always quality products.
| | 15.06.2018
| | 20.05.2018
Muy bueno y bonito, justo lo que esperaba...Llegó antes de lo esperado. Muy satisfecha. A mi hijo le ha encantado.
| | 02.03.2018
Lovely trains, my young grandson is obsessed with them. Knows all their names, wants them all. Good price
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Used with his Super Station. | 17.02.2018
Gift for my grandson... He loves them. Used with his Super Station.
Zeitraum von 31.07.2017 bis 09.10.2019
| | One of Thomas the Tanks less well known friends. | 09.10.2019
My grandson loves this and a valued member of his set of trains.
| | Really fast and whizzes round the track master set really fast | 06.11.2018
Another great product that’s a xmas prezzie for my son
| | 12.01.2018
Smaller than I expected. Good anyway
| | 31.07.2017
Son loves these! Plays non-stop. Get rechargeable batteries. Thomas, Percy, and James run better.
Zeitraum von 26.04.2018 bis 26.04.2018
| | 26.04.2018
Dont make them like they used to.
Zeitraum von 14.01.2019 bis 14.01.2019
| | 2.0 out of 5 stars FYI! Don't buy if you have the old Thomas wooden tracks! | 14.01.2019
Don't get this train if you have the older wooden tracks. It works, kind of, sort of. It's OK on straight runs and shallow turns, anything else not so much. Part of the problem is that this particular design is so boxy, it hits more. I do realize that this is a TRACKMASTER train. My sister who bought it, did not. She assumed that since we had a ton of Thomas trains & tracks that this was the same thing. Silly girl, buying 'official' Thomas trains. This train probably
Zeitraum von 05.11.2022 bis 05.11.2022
| | doesn't work | 05.11.2022
unfortunately my grandson had already taken this home and i had thrown the packaging, before putting the batteries in and finding out that it was a faulty product.

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Thomas and Friends Trackmaster Philip - DVF82
Beschreibung: Track Master drives Thomas friends toy trains to greater speeds taller heights and bigger adventures children can collect all their favorite Thomas friends characters to build a motorized railway full of really useful engines Philip is an enthusiastic and energetic diesel box cab who is always willing to help Flip the switch on this Philip toy train to see him race along on another exciting journey
Gaming & Spielen | Sonstige

Letztes Update: 28.03.2024

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Trustami Bewertungsskala
5,00 - 4,75 Ausgezeichnet
4,75 - 4,25 Sehr Gut
4,25 - 3,75 Gut
3,75 - 2,75 Befriedigend
2,75 - 1,75 Ausreichend
1,75 - 1,00 Mangelhaft

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