Produktbewertungen und Erfahrungen für
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (GameCube)

Sehr Gut
22 Bewertungen
4,36 / 5,00


2 Bewertungen
2 Bewertungen
0 Bewertungen
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Produkttitel unbekannt
Neue Bewertungen im Zeitraum von 01.06.2023 bis 03.05.2024


5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Sterne
Zeitraum von 27.07.2005 bis 13.04.2024
| | perfect in every aspect,thank you very much | 13.04.2024
perfect in every aspect,thank you very much
| | Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban! | 18.01.2019
Excellent Game! I've seen all the Movies! Great Films!
| | Perfect | 29.01.2018
Exactly as described - no problems at all.
| | Very enjoyable | 17.09.2017
I was not aware of this when it was released and so was very excited to play this (even as a grown adult!). The graphics are good and the controls are easy to understand. It is great to be able to switch between the 3 characters and the tasks are enjoyable. Would recommend for Harry Potter fans!
| | UNHAPPY! | 30.05.2016
Lucky to receive one star! Only got one because I had no other option! Received product today, and to no surprise, it doesn't work! Useless to say the least!
| | awesome | 30.08.2011
i bought this game for my Son, and i can't get him off it lol. this is real definate buy
| | Good, yet short. | 05.02.2010
This is a great game. the graphics rock and the gameplay is excellent. Only prolem is it's a it short. Apart from tha, it's great.
| | Harry potter VITAL INFORMATION!!! | 03.11.2007 donovan and i rate this game 5 out of 5 because in harry potter games you controle harry well now you controle harry ron and hermioni each with there own special abilatys like harry can jump over gaps while others cant hermuioni canwlak on ice and fit under small gaps and ron can find hidden things. and they have spells flipendo and expeliarmus right but they also learn there own special spells harry can cast carpe retractum [Pulls things to you or pulls you over to them} expecto
| | Best yet in harry potter series | 27.07.2005
Positive - Great Graphics the spells especially - V.Challenging(In Some Cases U Need To use ur brain) - TeamWork By working together(harry,hermione,ron)u can solve the challenge...every character has a strategy(e.g ron is gud in finding secret places) Negative - Personaly i thought the game was pretty short. - Sometimes u lose hope in finishing the game cuz sometimes the chanllenges are not pretty fair(eg.The challenge of saving serius black and harry from the dementors when harry goes baq in
Zeitraum von 03.11.2007 bis 13.04.2024
| | perfect in every aspect,thank you very much | 13.04.2024
perfect in every aspect,thank you very much
| | Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban! | 18.01.2019
Excellent Game! I've seen all the Movies! Great Films!
| | Perfect | 29.01.2018
Exactly as described - no problems at all.
| | awesome | 30.08.2011
i bought this game for my Son, and i can't get him off it lol. this is real definate buy
| | Good, yet short. | 05.02.2010
This is a great game. the graphics rock and the gameplay is excellent. Only prolem is it's a it short. Apart from tha, it's great.
| | Harry potter VITAL INFORMATION!!! | 03.11.2007 donovan and i rate this game 5 out of 5 because in harry potter games you controle harry well now you controle harry ron and hermioni each with there own special abilatys like harry can jump over gaps while others cant hermuioni canwlak on ice and fit under small gaps and ron can find hidden things. and they have spells flipendo and expeliarmus right but they also learn there own special spells harry can cast carpe retractum [Pulls things to you or pulls you over to them} expecto
Zeitraum von 17.09.2017 bis 17.09.2017
| | Very enjoyable | 17.09.2017
I was not aware of this when it was released and so was very excited to play this (even as a grown adult!). The graphics are good and the controls are easy to understand. It is great to be able to switch between the 3 characters and the tasks are enjoyable. Would recommend for Harry Potter fans!
Wir konnten keine Erfahrungen in Textform finden
Wir konnten keine Erfahrungen in Textform finden
Zeitraum von 30.05.2016 bis 30.05.2016
| | UNHAPPY! | 30.05.2016
Lucky to receive one star! Only got one because I had no other option! Received product today, and to no surprise, it doesn't work! Useless to say the least!

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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (GameCube)
Beschreibung: Product Description In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter fans can experience the magic and peril of Harry's third year at Hogwarts. For the first time gamers will play as friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger as well as Harry Potter, switching between characters and utilizing their key attributes and skills to resolve challenges and overcome enemies. The three friends will need to combine their strengths and master a variety of new spells as they face Harry's most ...

Letztes Update: 19.04.2024

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Trustami Bewertungsskala
5,00 - 4,75 Ausgezeichnet
4,75 - 4,25 Sehr Gut
4,25 - 3,75 Gut
3,75 - 2,75 Befriedigend
2,75 - 1,75 Ausreichend
1,75 - 1,00 Mangelhaft

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