Produktbewertungen und Erfahrungen für
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath Of Cortex (GameCube)

36 Bewertungen
4,08 / 5,00


2 Bewertungen
1 Bewertungen
1 Bewertungen
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0 Bewertungen
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Produkttitel unbekannt
Neue Bewertungen im Zeitraum von 01.06.2023 bis 03.05.2024


5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Sterne
Zeitraum von 28.02.2015 bis 16.04.2024
| | Excellent eBayer. Highly recommended. A+++ | 16.04.2024
Excellent eBayer. Highly recommended. A+++
| | Amazing good quality product | 22.02.2020
Bought this for adult son’s birthday for a trip down memory lane. Absolutely loved product good quality as advertised
| | Great | 01.04.2018
Great and quick delivery
| | Highly addictive | 13.10.2017
Fantastic game from my past! Addictive and just like I remember, great quality
| | Giant hands, tiny disc | 22.11.2016
Kind of a crap game, but in that classic Crash Bandicoot sort of way. Bought it for my kid after had played it on PS one all those years ago. Prompt delivery and in perfect condition. Gamecube discs always make me feel like my hands are huge.
| | Four Stars | 05.05.2016
Everything works fine
| | Good condition | 23.12.2015
Kids happy I'm happy
| | Gives off a nice vibe of the classics | 30.11.2015
I'd honestly recommend that if you have a PS2 or Xbox to get it on that instead. I've now played each version and the best is the Xbox, worst is GameCube. This version has the worst frame rate, only seems to speed up when you jump. It's not the worst thing ever, and I really do still recommend getting this game even if this is the only one you can get. This game is really fun, although it's a lot more floaty than the first 3. The originals are my favourites compared to this one
| | Five Stars | 21.10.2015
great fun
| | Awesome game! | 02.10.2015
Love this game so much! Bought it to play on the Wii, make sure you have a Wii memory card as it doesn't save to the console memory. Arrived quickly & worth the money.
| | Five Stars | 28.02.2015
love this game works perfectly
Zeitraum von 28.02.2015 bis 16.04.2024
| | Excellent eBayer. Highly recommended. A+++ | 16.04.2024
Excellent eBayer. Highly recommended. A+++
| | Amazing good quality product | 22.02.2020
Bought this for adult son’s birthday for a trip down memory lane. Absolutely loved product good quality as advertised
| | Great | 01.04.2018
Great and quick delivery
| | Highly addictive | 13.10.2017
Fantastic game from my past! Addictive and just like I remember, great quality
| | Giant hands, tiny disc | 22.11.2016
Kind of a crap game, but in that classic Crash Bandicoot sort of way. Bought it for my kid after had played it on PS one all those years ago. Prompt delivery and in perfect condition. Gamecube discs always make me feel like my hands are huge.
| | Five Stars | 21.10.2015
great fun
| | Awesome game! | 02.10.2015
Love this game so much! Bought it to play on the Wii, make sure you have a Wii memory card as it doesn't save to the console memory. Arrived quickly & worth the money.
| | Five Stars | 28.02.2015
love this game works perfectly
Zeitraum von 30.11.2015 bis 05.05.2016
| | Four Stars | 05.05.2016
Everything works fine
| | Gives off a nice vibe of the classics | 30.11.2015
I'd honestly recommend that if you have a PS2 or Xbox to get it on that instead. I've now played each version and the best is the Xbox, worst is GameCube. This version has the worst frame rate, only seems to speed up when you jump. It's not the worst thing ever, and I really do still recommend getting this game even if this is the only one you can get. This game is really fun, although it's a lot more floaty than the first 3. The originals are my favourites compared to this one
Zeitraum von 23.12.2015 bis 23.12.2015
| | Good condition | 23.12.2015
Kids happy I'm happy
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Wir konnten keine Erfahrungen in Textform finden

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Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath Of Cortex (GameCube)
Beschreibung: Product Description Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex , the first next-generation addition to the bestselling PlayStation series, delivers the same mix of intuitive gameplay and elaborate adventure that fans have come to expect, with many enhancements and all-new environments and missions. Neo Cortex is back, and he means to rid himself of Crash once and for all. To energise his most diabolical creation to date, Cortex channels the power of the Elementals, a group of renegade masks with the ...

Letztes Update: 19.04.2024

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Trustami Bewertungsskala
5,00 - 4,75 Ausgezeichnet
4,75 - 4,25 Sehr Gut
4,25 - 3,75 Gut
3,75 - 2,75 Befriedigend
2,75 - 1,75 Ausreichend
1,75 - 1,00 Mangelhaft

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