Product Reviews and Experiences for
Blade BLH2022 200 SR X 5100kv Tail Motor

Very Good
30 Ratings
4.50 / 5.00

Product Reviews

5 Stars
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1 Stars
Period from 2015-01-29 to 2019-11-06
| | Great elite motor | 2019-11-06
Good quality item. In original package. A+A+A+
| | 2017-01-13
Thanks a lot, A++
| | Five Stars | 2017-01-12
Thanks a lot, A++
| | It was good | 2017-01-09
Thanks you so much for it
| | 2016-08-14
Bought this as a spare and I'm very happy with it.
| | 2016-07-11
Burn up a lot. Wires are fragile.
| | Blade 200 sr x Tail Motor | 2016-05-24
Great little motor, have several heli's that use this part # , but rarely needs replacing.
| | Burned up on the first battery | 2016-03-29
Test hovering and it seemed fine, then near the end of the forst battery it burned up. This was after the previous motor burned up and damaged the motor holder. PROP WAS MOUNTED CORRECTLY. I changed to a different motor, and it runs completely cool for many batteries.
| | 2016-03-21
| | New motor, where's the rest? | 2016-01-16
Bought this motor and realized it doesn't come with the motor hub set, which it should. Before replacing any parts on your helicopter, don't throw away anything until the new part arrives. FYI, the $2.00 hub set does not come with this motor, which you will need to install the rear blade.
| | 2015-11-16
Super fast shipping on an item I needed
| | 2015-01-30
I had no luck with my 200srx. Tail motors burn out very fast. I would not buy another and eventually just through this money pit away.
| | I had no luck with my 200srx. Tail motors ... | 2015-01-29
I had no luck with my 200srx. Tail motors burn out very fast. I would not buy another and eventually just through this money pit away.
Period from 2015-11-16 to 2019-11-06
| | Great elite motor | 2019-11-06
Good quality item. In original package. A+A+A+
| | 2017-01-13
Thanks a lot, A++
| | Five Stars | 2017-01-12
Thanks a lot, A++
| | It was good | 2017-01-09
Thanks you so much for it
| | 2016-08-14
Bought this as a spare and I'm very happy with it.
| | Blade 200 sr x Tail Motor | 2016-05-24
Great little motor, have several heli's that use this part # , but rarely needs replacing.
| | 2016-03-21
| | New motor, where's the rest? | 2016-01-16
Bought this motor and realized it doesn't come with the motor hub set, which it should. Before replacing any parts on your helicopter, don't throw away anything until the new part arrives. FYI, the $2.00 hub set does not come with this motor, which you will need to install the rear blade.
| | 2015-11-16
Super fast shipping on an item I needed
We could not find any experience as text
We could not find any experience as text
Period from 2016-07-11 to 2016-07-11
| | 2016-07-11
Burn up a lot. Wires are fragile.
Period from 2016-03-29 to 2016-03-29
| | Burned up on the first battery | 2016-03-29
Test hovering and it seemed fine, then near the end of the forst battery it burned up. This was after the previous motor burned up and damaged the motor holder. PROP WAS MOUNTED CORRECTLY. I changed to a different motor, and it runs completely cool for many batteries.

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Trustami is an independent service provider for the display of external reviews. Trustami imports customer ratings from third-party platforms. Unfortunately, we cannot verify the authenticity of all the reviews that we collect automatically. Therefore, in case of imported ratings, Trustami cannot ensure that these ratings come exclusively from consumers who have actually used or purchased the goods or services.

Product Information

Blade BLH2022 200 SR X 5100kv Tail Motor
Description: Blade Tail Motor: 200 SR X, BLH2022
Sports, Leisure & Hobby

Last Update: 2024-05-07

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Trustami rating scale
5.00 - 4.75 Excellent
4.75 - 4.25 Very Good
4.25 - 3.75 Good
3.75 - 2.75 Satisfactory
2.75 - 1.75 Sufficient
1.75 - 1.00 Poor

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