Recensioni ed esperienze sui prodotti per
Amon Düül - Pyragony (2008)

Molto bene
6 recensioni
4,50 / 5,00

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Amon Düül - Pyragony (2008)
5 valutazioni
3 recensioni
1 recensioni
1 recensioni
0 recensioni
0 recensioni

Amon Duul II - Pyragony

Recensioni dei prodotti

5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stelle
Periodo da 25/03/2002 fino al 16/12/2017
| | 16/12/2017
very happy with cd
| | Amon Duul | 21/02/2011
Amon Duul, the Quintessential early 70s German acid rock, in my humble opinion second only to Vive la trance for its psychomeldodic nature, Amon Duul I've always found to vary greatly from one album to another, but Pyragony is one of those albums I just have to have,a well crafted album,well written songs, and just a trace of German accent on the singing.
| | Decaying Yeti | 29/10/2010
Latter period Amon Duul 2, not counting their 90s comeback, and it shows why this was effectively their last album. Flowers of the Orient is a worthy opener, which could have come from their heyday, but from that point the album goes rapidly downhill into sub-standard euro-rock/pop. Nothing much to recommend here, I'm afraid - stick with Yeti, Lemmings and Carnival.
| | hmmm, I love it | 17/06/2010
I'm completely shocked so many people flat out dislike Pyragony. It's true it's not as good as the previous Amon Duul II albums (which were all highly original classics) but you know, the songwriting honestly doesn't feel THAT much worse in comparison to previous work either."Flower of the Orient" is one of the coolest songs I've ever heard. Think of it as a German version of Blue Oyster Cult (the commercial BOC period starting with Agents of Fortune). I think
| | 25/03/2002
Amon Duul II had changed a great deal by the mid-70's & though fans of their earlier experimental music seem to be unable to embrace this lp it does stand the test of time. Pyragony X has a futuristic sound that hasn't dated like so much progressive rock. Fans of their albums "Hijack" or "Almost Alive" would love this blend of spacey guitar work, soaring synths & THC-tinged lyrics. From the opening cut "Flower of the Orient" to the fantastic
Periodo da 17/06/2010 fino al 16/12/2017
| | 16/12/2017
very happy with cd
| | Amon Duul | 21/02/2011
Amon Duul, the Quintessential early 70s German acid rock, in my humble opinion second only to Vive la trance for its psychomeldodic nature, Amon Duul I've always found to vary greatly from one album to another, but Pyragony is one of those albums I just have to have,a well crafted album,well written songs, and just a trace of German accent on the singing.
| | hmmm, I love it | 17/06/2010
I'm completely shocked so many people flat out dislike Pyragony. It's true it's not as good as the previous Amon Duul II albums (which were all highly original classics) but you know, the songwriting honestly doesn't feel THAT much worse in comparison to previous work either."Flower of the Orient" is one of the coolest songs I've ever heard. Think of it as a German version of Blue Oyster Cult (the commercial BOC period starting with Agents of Fortune). I think
Periodo da 25/03/2002 fino al 25/03/2002
| | 25/03/2002
Amon Duul II had changed a great deal by the mid-70's & though fans of their earlier experimental music seem to be unable to embrace this lp it does stand the test of time. Pyragony X has a futuristic sound that hasn't dated like so much progressive rock. Fans of their albums "Hijack" or "Almost Alive" would love this blend of spacey guitar work, soaring synths & THC-tinged lyrics. From the opening cut "Flower of the Orient" to the fantastic
Periodo da 29/10/2010 fino al 29/10/2010
| | Decaying Yeti | 29/10/2010
Latter period Amon Duul 2, not counting their 90s comeback, and it shows why this was effectively their last album. Flowers of the Orient is a worthy opener, which could have come from their heyday, but from that point the album goes rapidly downhill into sub-standard euro-rock/pop. Nothing much to recommend here, I'm afraid - stick with Yeti, Lemmings and Carnival.
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Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo

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Trustami è un fornitore di servizi indipendente per la visualizzazione di recensioni esterne. Trustami importa le valutazioni dei clienti da piattaforme di terze parti. Purtroppo non possiamo verificare l'autenticità di tutte le numerose recensioni che raccogliamo automaticamente. Nel caso di rating importati, Trustami non può quindi garantire che tali rating provengano esclusivamente da consumatori che hanno effettivamente utilizzato o acquistato i beni o servizi.

Informazioni sul prodotto

Amon Düül - Pyragony (2008)
Descrizione: Im Frühjahr 1976 wurden in verschiedenen Münchener Studios unter Leitung von Jürgen S. Korduletsch acht Stücke aufgenommen und erschienen im Oktober als LP "Pyragony 10th". Der Name war nicht ganz einheitlich gehalten. Auf dem Label steht einfach nur "Pyragony", vorne auf der Hülle "Pyragony 10th" und hinten "Pyragony X", wobei "X" bekanntlich das altrömische Zahlzeichen für die Zehn ist. Gemeinsam ausgedacht hatten ihn sich Peter Leopold und Wolfgang Dorsch, ein Freund der Gruppe, der auch das ...
Books, Movies & Music

Ultimo aggiornamento: 29/04/2024

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Scala di valutazione Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Eccellente
4,75 - 4,25 Molto bene
4,25 - 3,75 Bene
3,75 - 2,75 Soddisfacente
2,75 - 1,75 Sufficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadeguato

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