Product Reviews and Experiences for
Ultra PRO Rookie One-Touch Magnetic Card Holder - Gold, Pack of 35

32 Ratings
4.09 / 5.00

Product Reviews

5 Stars
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1 Stars
Period from 2020-11-28 to 2023-10-21
| | 5,0 su 5 stelle Fa il suo dovere | 2023-10-21
Ottimo per conservare figurine rare e carte da gioco (formato Magic, Pokémon, yugioh). Personalmente la uso per il leader del gioco di Carte di One piece
| | Sturdy card holder | 2023-03-25
Good quality and very nice
| | 5,0 sur 5 étoiles Top! | 2023-01-28
Produit bien reçu et très rapidement! Excellent pour protéger (UV/poussière) et mettre en valeur mes cartes de collection!
| | 5,0 von 5 Sternen Anständiges Produkt. Lieferung okay. | 2023-01-23
Gute Qualität. Schützt die Karten hervorragend. Aber relativ leicht zu öffnen.
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Great product | 2021-03-14
Great product, thanks
| | The Real Deal | 2021-03-10
Great product and with a professional appearance on rookie cards.
| | 1,0 su 5 stelle Prezzo troppo elevato | 2021-02-03
Il prezzo è troppo elevato , pensavo fossero di più anche perché le si trovano a 2euro l una direi che sono stato largamente imbrogliato
| | perfect upgrade of card holders | 2021-01-14
Perfect fior my collection of signed rookie cards. Shipped quickly.
| | 3,0 von 5 Sternen Bei mir 50/50 Chance auf ein einwandfreies Produkt ( Schlieren auf dem anderen ) | 2020-11-28
Leider war eins von den bestellten zwei, nicht einwandfrei
Period from 2021-01-14 to 2023-10-21
| | 5,0 su 5 stelle Fa il suo dovere | 2023-10-21
Ottimo per conservare figurine rare e carte da gioco (formato Magic, Pokémon, yugioh). Personalmente la uso per il leader del gioco di Carte di One piece
| | Sturdy card holder | 2023-03-25
Good quality and very nice
| | 5,0 sur 5 étoiles Top! | 2023-01-28
Produit bien reçu et très rapidement! Excellent pour protéger (UV/poussière) et mettre en valeur mes cartes de collection!
| | 5,0 von 5 Sternen Anständiges Produkt. Lieferung okay. | 2023-01-23
Gute Qualität. Schützt die Karten hervorragend. Aber relativ leicht zu öffnen.
| | 5.0 out of 5 stars Great product | 2021-03-14
Great product, thanks
| | The Real Deal | 2021-03-10
Great product and with a professional appearance on rookie cards.
| | perfect upgrade of card holders | 2021-01-14
Perfect fior my collection of signed rookie cards. Shipped quickly.
We could not find any experience as text
Period from 2020-11-28 to 2020-11-28
| | 3,0 von 5 Sternen Bei mir 50/50 Chance auf ein einwandfreies Produkt ( Schlieren auf dem anderen ) | 2020-11-28
Leider war eins von den bestellten zwei, nicht einwandfrei
We could not find any experience as text
Period from 2021-02-03 to 2021-02-03
| | 1,0 su 5 stelle Prezzo troppo elevato | 2021-02-03
Il prezzo è troppo elevato , pensavo fossero di più anche perché le si trovano a 2euro l una direi che sono stato largamente imbrogliato

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Trustami is an independent service provider for the display of external reviews. Trustami imports customer ratings from third-party platforms. Unfortunately, we cannot verify the authenticity of all the reviews that we collect automatically. Therefore, in case of imported ratings, Trustami cannot ensure that these ratings come exclusively from consumers who have actually used or purchased the goods or services.

Product Information

Ultra PRO Rookie One-Touch Magnetic Card Holder - Gold, Pack of 35
Description: Produktbeschreibung UP - 35PT Rookie UV One-Touch Magnetic Holder Warnhinweise Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet
Sports, Leisure & Hobby

Last Update: 2024-02-19

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Trustami regularly scans the internet for new reviews and collect them in one place, in order to make them available to interested parties at a glance.

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Trustami was created as a project of the Technical University of Berlin (TUB) with the aim of making the internet more trustworthy. Research in the field of "Social Media Analytics & Big Data" at the Chair of Information and Communication Management (IKM) provided a first prototype that enabled the collection of reputation data. With further development and funding Trustami became an independent spin-off.

Trustami rating scale
5.00 - 4.75 Excellent
4.75 - 4.25 Very Good
4.25 - 3.75 Good
3.75 - 2.75 Satisfactory
2.75 - 1.75 Sufficient
1.75 - 1.00 Poor

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