Produktbewertungen und Erfahrungen für
Spektrum Aircraft Telemetry Variometer

42 Bewertungen
4,19 / 5,00


5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Sterne
Zeitraum von 05.08.2015 bis 31.08.2021
| | Great for gliders, to help find thermals | 31.08.2021
A great addon for BNF telemetry models that don’t come with an Altimeter.
| | Handy device | 03.11.2020
Very small compact unit and it does what it claims to do.
| | Spektrum Vario | 30.07.2019
It is original Spektrum product so 5 stars is the must :D :D :D
| | Works fine with dx18 gen 1 dsmx | 07.11.2018
Unit is easy to integrate with a DSMX 9 channel and tm1000. Works fine with a dx18 Gen 1. Just remember to use a ‘y’ to commect the bind plug and data plug from the tm1000 to the receiver. Sensitivity is good.
| | Competitive price | 30.07.2018
Works exactly as advertized. Requires some knowledge and familiarity of the concept by the user.
| | Spektrum Vario | 02.07.2018
Excellent vario - worked well as soon as fitted.
| | Spectrum vario | 01.08.2017
Great unit, my third now. Only way to find the light lift.
| | 27.07.2017
Does it work? YesIs it precise? SometimesDoes it work all the time? Not exactly.This variometer does function, however the accuracy and reliability of the unit is just not there all the time. Some times it functions properly and gives accurate feedback, yet other times this thing will go crazy and contradict actual flight. Yes I have tried relocating this unit to multiple locations inside the few aircraft I have equipped it with and have found the movement to result in negligible
| | Does the job | 11.07.2017
If you want to know the altitude of your aircraft this is the unit you need.
| | 23.02.2017
Works as advertised.
| | 11.02.2017
As I thought it would be this is the variometer sensor and the wire more than the photo shows
| | Five Stars | 10.02.2017
As I thought it would be this is the variometer sensor and the wire more than the photo shows
| | 11.12.2016
It is really fun using this item. It really tells you when you are gaining or losing altitude.
| | Five Stars | 10.12.2016
It is really fun using this item. It really tells you when you are gaining or losing altitude.
| | Excellent | 07.11.2016
Excellent ,slight delay but works very well
| | 18.09.2016
Just what I needed, and happy to find this in Amazon. Works as advertised, exactly the product I was looking for.
| | Clever stuff | 03.08.2016
Plug and play simplicity, paired easily with sender, rcvr and transmitter, (DX9) Sensitive!! Reads changes in pressure when sat stationary.
| | Four Stars | 31.07.2016
Performs as expected
| | Spektrum variometer | 05.01.2016
This variometer is a Great addition to the Telementry feature avaible on the Spektrum radios with the voice function . Not only does it tell you if you are climbing or descending , it also gives you your altitude . The transmitter can be programmed for the time intervals to report the altitude. It's good to know if you are climbing or decending , and it's a big help in finding thermals . All this info without taking your eyes off your glider or whatever aircraft you have the variometer
| | 14.11.2015
| | Five Stars | 08.08.2015
I think it is overpriced
| | 06.08.2015
| | Five Stars | 05.08.2015
Zeitraum von 05.08.2015 bis 31.08.2021
| | Great for gliders, to help find thermals | 31.08.2021
A great addon for BNF telemetry models that don’t come with an Altimeter.
| | Handy device | 03.11.2020
Very small compact unit and it does what it claims to do.
| | Spektrum Vario | 30.07.2019
It is original Spektrum product so 5 stars is the must :D :D :D
| | Works fine with dx18 gen 1 dsmx | 07.11.2018
Unit is easy to integrate with a DSMX 9 channel and tm1000. Works fine with a dx18 Gen 1. Just remember to use a ‘y’ to commect the bind plug and data plug from the tm1000 to the receiver. Sensitivity is good.
| | Competitive price | 30.07.2018
Works exactly as advertized. Requires some knowledge and familiarity of the concept by the user.
| | Spektrum Vario | 02.07.2018
Excellent vario - worked well as soon as fitted.
| | Spectrum vario | 01.08.2017
Great unit, my third now. Only way to find the light lift.
| | Does the job | 11.07.2017
If you want to know the altitude of your aircraft this is the unit you need.
| | 23.02.2017
Works as advertised.
| | 11.02.2017
As I thought it would be this is the variometer sensor and the wire more than the photo shows
| | Five Stars | 10.02.2017
As I thought it would be this is the variometer sensor and the wire more than the photo shows
| | 11.12.2016
It is really fun using this item. It really tells you when you are gaining or losing altitude.
| | Five Stars | 10.12.2016
It is really fun using this item. It really tells you when you are gaining or losing altitude.
| | 18.09.2016
Just what I needed, and happy to find this in Amazon. Works as advertised, exactly the product I was looking for.
| | Clever stuff | 03.08.2016
Plug and play simplicity, paired easily with sender, rcvr and transmitter, (DX9) Sensitive!! Reads changes in pressure when sat stationary.
| | Spektrum variometer | 05.01.2016
This variometer is a Great addition to the Telementry feature avaible on the Spektrum radios with the voice function . Not only does it tell you if you are climbing or descending , it also gives you your altitude . The transmitter can be programmed for the time intervals to report the altitude. It's good to know if you are climbing or decending , and it's a big help in finding thermals . All this info without taking your eyes off your glider or whatever aircraft you have the variometer
| | 14.11.2015
| | Five Stars | 08.08.2015
I think it is overpriced
| | 06.08.2015
| | Five Stars | 05.08.2015
Zeitraum von 31.07.2016 bis 07.11.2016
| | Excellent | 07.11.2016
Excellent ,slight delay but works very well
| | Four Stars | 31.07.2016
Performs as expected
Wir konnten keine Erfahrungen in Textform finden
Wir konnten keine Erfahrungen in Textform finden
Zeitraum von 27.07.2017 bis 27.07.2017
| | 27.07.2017
Does it work? YesIs it precise? SometimesDoes it work all the time? Not exactly.This variometer does function, however the accuracy and reliability of the unit is just not there all the time. Some times it functions properly and gives accurate feedback, yet other times this thing will go crazy and contradict actual flight. Yes I have tried relocating this unit to multiple locations inside the few aircraft I have equipped it with and have found the movement to result in negligible

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Spektrum Aircraft Telemetry Variometer
Beschreibung: Produktbeschreibung Die wichtigsten Funktionen des Variometers zeigen die Geschwindigkeit des Auf- und Abstiegs für Segelflugzeuge an. Die kompakte Größe passt problemlos in die meisten Segelflugzeug-Anwendungen. Der interne Sensor erkennt automatisch den Luftdruck, um die Steigungs- und Höhenrate zu bestimmen, ohne dass eine Kalibrierung erforderlich ist. Der integrierte Höhenmesser bietet Höhenmesser-Informationen und gibt dem Endnutzer genaue Messungen der Höhe über dem Boden (Gal), voll ...
Sport, Freizeit & Hobby

Letztes Update: 02.12.2024

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Trustami Bewertungsskala
5,00 - 4,75 Ausgezeichnet
4,75 - 4,25 Sehr Gut
4,25 - 3,75 Gut
3,75 - 2,75 Befriedigend
2,75 - 1,75 Ausreichend
1,75 - 1,00 Mangelhaft