Reseñas de productos y experiencias para
Falcon De Luxe Star Trek 50th Anniversary Jigsaw Puzzle 1000-piece

Muy bien
34 reseñas
4,71 / 5,00

Reseñas de productos

5 estrellas
4 estrellas
3 estrellas
2 estrellas
1 estrellas
Período de 05/01/2017 hasta 24/05/2019
| | Better than expected | 24/05/2019
this is a challenging puzzle that kept my husband and I busy over the long winter. Colors are bright and puzzle pieces are good quality.
| | A | 27/01/2019
| | Easy to use perfect gift | 10/12/2018
My Star Trek mad brother loved his Christmas gift.
| | Fun and challenging | 05/11/2018
I'm not a fan of jigsaw puzzles in general. But my family always likes to put a few together over our summer vacations, so I preemptively chose one I'd enjoy, too. As noted by other reviewers, these pieces can sometimes fit where they shouldn't, but it's an enjoyable and challenging puzzle.Now, if only they'd make a Next Generation puzzle in a similar layout, that would be great for next year.
| | Puzzle Nut | 05/11/2018
Did this a few years ago. Looks great hanging next to Star Trek Crew puzzle.
| | Great puzzle | 20/09/2018
Very good quality...and all the pieces were there?
| | Very well made jigsaw | 01/09/2018
Exceedingly well made- you can see the quality in the lamination.Great picture too- my Star Trek mad wife loved it!
| | Well constructed & great image | 31/08/2018
Pieces fit together well. The final product looked great and was true to the image.
| | Don't hesitate! Great puzzle | 03/08/2018
Very fun puzzle. Puzzle pieces are thick and sturdy, with a tight fit. Very pleased with this puzzle! Our best of the summer, by far.
| | Great gift. | 04/07/2018
Bought as a gift. Person very happy with it.
| | Great puzzle! | 21/05/2018
Brilliant! Was a gift and it was perfect. Looks great and is now framed. Had so much fun putting it together and seeing all the characters.
| | Good jigsaw | 22/01/2018
Good jigsaw, few complicated parts, family got involved.
| | Five Stars | 09/01/2018
This was a very popular Christmas gift
| | Excellent quality, and speedy arrival | 28/10/2017
Fabulous! Excellent quality, and speedy arrival!
| | A Trek fan's dream. | 28/09/2017
This puzzle is amazing. Features a great collage of characters from the TOS of Star Trek in a beautiful art style. Shipping was fast.
| | Five Stars | 25/09/2017
Great puzzle for any star trek fan.
| | Five Stars | 12/08/2017
Great puzzle, very clear, lots of characters, no huge blocks of colour
| | Bought for Father's Day Present | 01/07/2017
Bought this for my dad as a father's day present but I ended up being the one to start putting it together. It did come a little late but it still came within the time frame I was given so I still would rate it 5 stars. The pieces are cut well and the image isn't blurry. The box was sealed and the puzzle came with a printed picture of the full image as a reference for the puzzle. Perfect for a Star Trek fan.
| | Nicht ganz einfach, aber sehr schön | 23/04/2017
Dieses Puzzle ist sehr schön, das Motiv ist toll und es waren auch alle Teile da.Wir hatte total unterschätzt wie schwierig es ist - die Teile sind unheimlich klein und es lässt sich teilweise nicht erkennen, was darauf ist, daher haben wir ziemlich lange gebraucht, es fertig zu bekommen.Die Teile waren zum Großteil ordentlich ausgestanzt, nur vereinzelt waren ein paar Konturen nicht komplett sauber. War aber kein Problem beim Zusammenstecken.Für diesen Preis war ich sehr positiv überrascht -
| | Puzzle | 10/02/2017
Great puzzle very well packaged,would recommend to all Star Trek fans.
| | Good Puzzle for fans of show | 05/01/2017
Pros: It's a good puzzle. Especially if you are a Star Trek fan. This 1000 piece puzzle was challenging. I couldn't imagine doing the 3000.Cons: All the pieces are very similarly shaped. So similar in fact there are times that the pieces do physically fit but are wrong. While this at times is obvious. There were other times it was not so obvious. I would have appreciated more diversity in the the physical pieces. I consider this 'con' minor
Período de 10/02/2017 hasta 24/05/2019
| | Better than expected | 24/05/2019
this is a challenging puzzle that kept my husband and I busy over the long winter. Colors are bright and puzzle pieces are good quality.
| | A | 27/01/2019
| | Easy to use perfect gift | 10/12/2018
My Star Trek mad brother loved his Christmas gift.
| | Puzzle Nut | 05/11/2018
Did this a few years ago. Looks great hanging next to Star Trek Crew puzzle.
| | Fun and challenging | 05/11/2018
I'm not a fan of jigsaw puzzles in general. But my family always likes to put a few together over our summer vacations, so I preemptively chose one I'd enjoy, too. As noted by other reviewers, these pieces can sometimes fit where they shouldn't, but it's an enjoyable and challenging puzzle.Now, if only they'd make a Next Generation puzzle in a similar layout, that would be great for next year.
| | Great puzzle | 20/09/2018
Very good quality...and all the pieces were there?
| | Very well made jigsaw | 01/09/2018
Exceedingly well made- you can see the quality in the lamination.Great picture too- my Star Trek mad wife loved it!
| | Well constructed & great image | 31/08/2018
Pieces fit together well. The final product looked great and was true to the image.
| | Don't hesitate! Great puzzle | 03/08/2018
Very fun puzzle. Puzzle pieces are thick and sturdy, with a tight fit. Very pleased with this puzzle! Our best of the summer, by far.
| | Great gift. | 04/07/2018
Bought as a gift. Person very happy with it.
| | Great puzzle! | 21/05/2018
Brilliant! Was a gift and it was perfect. Looks great and is now framed. Had so much fun putting it together and seeing all the characters.
| | Good jigsaw | 22/01/2018
Good jigsaw, few complicated parts, family got involved.
| | Five Stars | 09/01/2018
This was a very popular Christmas gift
| | Excellent quality, and speedy arrival | 28/10/2017
Fabulous! Excellent quality, and speedy arrival!
| | A Trek fan's dream. | 28/09/2017
This puzzle is amazing. Features a great collage of characters from the TOS of Star Trek in a beautiful art style. Shipping was fast.
| | Five Stars | 25/09/2017
Great puzzle for any star trek fan.
| | Five Stars | 12/08/2017
Great puzzle, very clear, lots of characters, no huge blocks of colour
| | Bought for Father's Day Present | 01/07/2017
Bought this for my dad as a father's day present but I ended up being the one to start putting it together. It did come a little late but it still came within the time frame I was given so I still would rate it 5 stars. The pieces are cut well and the image isn't blurry. The box was sealed and the puzzle came with a printed picture of the full image as a reference for the puzzle. Perfect for a Star Trek fan.
| | Nicht ganz einfach, aber sehr schön | 23/04/2017
Dieses Puzzle ist sehr schön, das Motiv ist toll und es waren auch alle Teile da.Wir hatte total unterschätzt wie schwierig es ist - die Teile sind unheimlich klein und es lässt sich teilweise nicht erkennen, was darauf ist, daher haben wir ziemlich lange gebraucht, es fertig zu bekommen.Die Teile waren zum Großteil ordentlich ausgestanzt, nur vereinzelt waren ein paar Konturen nicht komplett sauber. War aber kein Problem beim Zusammenstecken.Für diesen Preis war ich sehr positiv überrascht -
| | Puzzle | 10/02/2017
Great puzzle very well packaged,would recommend to all Star Trek fans.
Período de 05/01/2017 hasta 05/01/2017
| | Good Puzzle for fans of show | 05/01/2017
Pros: It's a good puzzle. Especially if you are a Star Trek fan. This 1000 piece puzzle was challenging. I couldn't imagine doing the 3000.Cons: All the pieces are very similarly shaped. So similar in fact there are times that the pieces do physically fit but are wrong. While this at times is obvious. There were other times it was not so obvious. I would have appreciated more diversity in the the physical pieces. I consider this 'con' minor
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Información del Producto

Falcon De Luxe Star Trek 50th Anniversary Jigsaw Puzzle 1000-piece
Descripción: Achtung! Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren, da Erstickungsgefahr durch verschluckbare Kleinteile besteht. Typ: Puzzlespiel Genre: Fernsehen/Filme Zielgruppe: Erwachsene Empfohlenes Geschlecht: Mann/Frau Empfohlenes Alter (mind.): 12 Jahr(e) Material: Pappe Sprachen: Englisch Ursprungsland: Niederlande Freigabedatum (TT/MM/JJ): 01.09.2016 Nicht für Kinder von 0-3 Jahren: Ja Breite: 680 mm Höhe: 485 mm Verpackungsart: Box Verpackungsbreite: 370 mm Verpackungstiefe: 70 ...
Gaming, Toys & Board Games

Última actualización: 11/02/2025

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Escala de calificación de Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Excelente
4,75 - 4,25 Muy bien
4,25 - 3,75 Bien
3,75 - 2,75 Satisfactorio
2,75 - 1,75 Suficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadecuado