Produktbewertungen und Erfahrungen für
Breyer 1:12 Classics Model Horse Cloud's Encore 4-Piece Gift Set

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24 Bewertungen
4,38 / 5,00


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Breyer Classics Cloud's Encore Gift Set Horse Toy Model


5 Sterne
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1 Sterne
Zeitraum von 28.02.2015 bis 27.08.2018
| | 27.08.2018
Highly disappointed... one of the horses has a leg broke off. My daughter opened these for her birthday today and was very upset.
| | Broken horse. | 26.08.2018
Highly disappointed... one of the horses has a leg broke off. My daughter opened these for her birthday today and was very upset.
| | Excellent | 14.08.2018
Perfect! My daughter loves Breyers. This is a great set.
| | 11.08.2018
The horses were very nicely painted. They were very pretty.
| | She absolutely love | 21.02.2018
I bought them as a Christmas present for my granddaughter. She absolutely love them
| | Horses are fine, but the Breyer box was shredded | 27.11.2017
The horses are Breyer, so you know the models are going to be nice. I am a huge fan of Cloud and have seen all the documentaries. The markings on the horses match the real horses perfectly.The low rating is because the Breyer box came completely destroyed. Smashed. The shipping box was fine and it had packing material so it appears to have been like this before shipping. The horses inside aren't broken but this was extremely disappointing. I'm just glad I didn't buy this to
| | good store | 11.11.2017
very pleased with the corner toy store. very willing to work out issues, if any happen to come up. highly recomend doing business with them.
| | 03.10.2017
Well my daughter (age 11) is horse made and loves these.
| | 06.02.2017
These seem very durable. My 4 y.o. has been playing with them (sometimes roughly) for over a month and nothing has been scratched or broken.
| | 31.01.2017
this was a gift for my granddaughter. she was so excited
| | 23.12.2016
Great product with fast shipping!!!
| | 15.12.2016
Daughter loves it, so there you have it. Buy the DVD of the documentary about the actual wild stallion, your horse crazy girl will love that, too. ;)
| | Four Stars | 20.11.2016
Package is a little damaged, but I think she will be ok with it for Christmas
| | 07.05.2016
The horses are beautiful and reasonably priced. This a great gift for horse lovers and novice Breyer horse collectors.
| | 27.03.2016
The box was damaged and Amazon's return policy is a little too much work for what it's worth. Overal I loved the models though. I was a bit skeptical about the mare and yearling molds but seeing them in person has me satisfied. They are just as elegant and beautiful as Cloud and Encore. Also Clouds mold is beautiful! I couldn't be happier! I just wish it was cheaper but hey, they are great quality. Amazon, please work on your shipping so my box doesn't come dented.
| | 28.11.2015
I loved the set so much! I have a collection of 58 breyer horses and I was so impressed by the set. These are classics and the horses held up really good! And its been a few months since i got the set of breyer horses. And they have not gotten scratched much at all me and my friends play with them a lot. Though one did break, which was encore but it was only a piece of her tail. I LOVE them so much anyway!! Im especially obsessed with cloud his Cremello coloring is so gorgeous! Im in love
| | 05.05.2015
This is a nice set of Breyers for a great price! They are painted well. My daughter loved the documentary about Cloud so she was so happy to get them in Breyer form.
| | 28.02.2015
So excited to have all three Breyer Clouds Gift sets. Leaving them in the box as the box itself tells the story of Cloud and his family through out his life. Wonderful size and wonderful service. no problem with packing and very well protected. No flaws as I can see at this time. excellent price and excellent service.
Zeitraum von 28.02.2015 bis 14.08.2018
| | Excellent | 14.08.2018
Perfect! My daughter loves Breyers. This is a great set.
| | 11.08.2018
The horses were very nicely painted. They were very pretty.
| | She absolutely love | 21.02.2018
I bought them as a Christmas present for my granddaughter. She absolutely love them
| | good store | 11.11.2017
very pleased with the corner toy store. very willing to work out issues, if any happen to come up. highly recomend doing business with them.
| | 03.10.2017
Well my daughter (age 11) is horse made and loves these.
| | 06.02.2017
These seem very durable. My 4 y.o. has been playing with them (sometimes roughly) for over a month and nothing has been scratched or broken.
| | 31.01.2017
this was a gift for my granddaughter. she was so excited
| | 23.12.2016
Great product with fast shipping!!!
| | 15.12.2016
Daughter loves it, so there you have it. Buy the DVD of the documentary about the actual wild stallion, your horse crazy girl will love that, too. ;)
| | 07.05.2016
The horses are beautiful and reasonably priced. This a great gift for horse lovers and novice Breyer horse collectors.
| | 28.11.2015
I loved the set so much! I have a collection of 58 breyer horses and I was so impressed by the set. These are classics and the horses held up really good! And its been a few months since i got the set of breyer horses. And they have not gotten scratched much at all me and my friends play with them a lot. Though one did break, which was encore but it was only a piece of her tail. I LOVE them so much anyway!! Im especially obsessed with cloud his Cremello coloring is so gorgeous! Im in love
| | 05.05.2015
This is a nice set of Breyers for a great price! They are painted well. My daughter loved the documentary about Cloud so she was so happy to get them in Breyer form.
| | 28.02.2015
So excited to have all three Breyer Clouds Gift sets. Leaving them in the box as the box itself tells the story of Cloud and his family through out his life. Wonderful size and wonderful service. no problem with packing and very well protected. No flaws as I can see at this time. excellent price and excellent service.
Zeitraum von 20.11.2016 bis 20.11.2016
| | Four Stars | 20.11.2016
Package is a little damaged, but I think she will be ok with it for Christmas
Wir konnten keine Erfahrungen in Textform finden
Zeitraum von 27.11.2017 bis 27.11.2017
| | Horses are fine, but the Breyer box was shredded | 27.11.2017
The horses are Breyer, so you know the models are going to be nice. I am a huge fan of Cloud and have seen all the documentaries. The markings on the horses match the real horses perfectly.The low rating is because the Breyer box came completely destroyed. Smashed. The shipping box was fine and it had packing material so it appears to have been like this before shipping. The horses inside aren't broken but this was extremely disappointing. I'm just glad I didn't buy this to
Zeitraum von 26.08.2018 bis 27.08.2018
| | 27.08.2018
Highly disappointed... one of the horses has a leg broke off. My daughter opened these for her birthday today and was very upset.
| | Broken horse. | 26.08.2018
Highly disappointed... one of the horses has a leg broke off. My daughter opened these for her birthday today and was very upset.

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Breyer 1:12 Classics Model Horse Cloud's Encore 4-Piece Gift Set
Beschreibung: Breyer's Cloud's Encore gift set is the latest chapter in the life of cloud, a dynamic and powerful band stallion on the Pryor Mountains of Southern Montana. At 18 years old, cloud fathers a foal that looks just like him and shares his outgoing, daring personality. Traditional Series Gift Set features four 1:12 scale models; Cloud, Encore, Feldspar, And Mato Ska. Includes double-sided poster. Models are meticulously hand-painted, so no two are exactly alike! Attractive window box packaging.
Baby & Kind

Letztes Update: 09.09.2024

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Trustami Bewertungsskala
5,00 - 4,75 Ausgezeichnet
4,75 - 4,25 Sehr Gut
4,25 - 3,75 Gut
3,75 - 2,75 Befriedigend
2,75 - 1,75 Ausreichend
1,75 - 1,00 Mangelhaft